Social equality and human rights

Cards (15)

  • Name 3 things a government is socially responsible for?
    1. Ensure laws are upheld 2. Ensure health of citizens 3. Ensure citizen's education
  • What are MLAS socially responsible for?
    1. responsibility to ensure they make decisions in the common good of the public 2. Must be held accountable and don't use position for personal gain 3. Adhere to code of conduct
  • What are public representatives?
    1. People in a leadership position 2. Appointed rather than elected 3. Accountable and ensure the services provided are value for money and meet the needs of the public
  • What is the social responsibility of the media?
    1. Ensure it follows a code of practice-balances privacy and right of public to know 2. Provides accurate unbiased information to the public 3. Informing, raising awareness and educating the public
  • Name 5 ways young people can be socially responsible?
    1. Volunteering 2. Fundraising 3. Participating in marches 4. Lobbying politicians 5. Raising awareness using social media
  • Name 5 Causes of Social Inequality
    1. Tax
  • Where 5 causes of social inequality?
    1. Tax 2. Birthplace 3. Education 4. Income 5. Early life Opportunities
  • Individual Consequences of Social Inequality?
    1. Poverty 2. Homelessness 3. Poor health 4. Lack of education 5. Marginalisation
  • Societal Consequences of Social Inequality
    1. Economic Impact due to increased strains on health service 2. Economic Impact of people on benefits 3. Reduced numbers of skilled workers 4. Lack of Participation of all members in society 5. Increases in crime
  • How can the government communicate?
    1. Using the media (TV, Radio,Social Media, Leaflets, Posters, Billboards) 2. Using websites to inform and educate-NI assembly education service
  • What are the two statutory duties which public bodies must comply to
    1. Promoting equality of opportunity 2. Promoting good relations
  • 3 roles of the Equality Commission?
    1. Giving advice and support to individuals with potential complaints under anti-discrimination legislation 2. Ensuring equality considerations are central to decision-making 3. Giving guidance to employers and service providers about their obligations under the law and good practice
  • Role of HR commission?
    1.Advising the Westminster gov, NI Executive and Assemblies and key agencies on legislation and ensuring that laws comply with HR 2.Monitoring International Treaties 3. Providing legal advice work incl. taking strategic legal cases
  • Sectors of Society
    Public-Government Private-Business Civil-NGOs
  • How does civil society promote equality and HR
    1. having groups work together 2. putting pressure on gov. and businesses to improve health, living and education standards 3.Monitoring governments and demanding change when HR are not being safeguarded