MCT extra

Cards (4)

  • Mucociliary Transport System components:
    • Ciliated epithelial cells
    • Aqueous or sol layer
    • Gel or sputum layer
  • Mucociliary Transport System components:
    A) ciliated epithelial cells
    B) aqueous layer
    C) gel layer
  • How will pathologies which result in increased sputum production affect ciliary function?
    • it makes ciliary movement harder as cilia dont move into thin layer of mucus, but move into thick layer of mucus, impairing ciliary movement
    • consequence of impairing ciliary movement is that you then have mucus being retained in the lungs which is a breeding ground for microbes, leading to chest infections
  • Can physiotherapists help patients with retained secretions?
    • airway clearance techniques can help patients get rid of excess mucus