Japan was struck by a magnitude 9 earthquake followed by a tsunami
11th of March 2011
Japan's location
Located on the eastern edge of the Eurasian plate
Boundary between the Eurasian and Pacific plate is destructive, with the oceanicPacificplatesinking under the continental Eurasian Plate
Earthquake occurred
46 p.m. local time
Located 70 km east of Tohoku
At a depth of 29 km
Reached up to 40.5m high and travelled up to 10 kilometres inland
Primaryimpacts include: 16,000 deaths, 10% of all fishingports being damaged, a 400kilometre long stretch of coastline dropped by 1.6meters and the nuclearpowerstation at Fukushima was damaged
Secondaryimpacts include the tsunami and all the damage it caused, 19,000 homes left without clean water or electricity, 70,000people had to be evacuated due to the damage at the nuclear power station and the total estimated cost was £182billion
Immediate responses
1. Debris being cleared within two days by the JapaneseArmy
2. 116 countries and 28 international organisations offered assistance
1. New tsunami walls being constructed 25 to 30 meters high
2. A £25 million warningsystem revealed in March 2013
3. 96% of electricity was restored by November
Japan's preparedness for naturalhazards
Many buildings are earthquake resistant
The people are educated about hazards, for example September 1st every year is Disaster Prevention Day
As a high-income country, Japan is very good at responding to and preparing for natural hazards