What can impair ciliary movement?

Cards (7)

  • What can impair ciliary movement?
    • Dyskinetic cilia
    • Fluid balance
    • Cold air
    • Hypersecretory conditions
    • Post general anaesthesia
    • Increasing age
    • Infection & inflammation
  • Cold air:
    • reduces ciliary beat frequency
  • Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia:
    • genetic abnormality
    • structural defect to the cilia
    • causes abnormal movement of the cilia as they dont move in unison
  • Anaesthesia:
    • stops cilia from beating normally
    • therefore there is a build up of mucus in a patient during an operation
  • The elderly:
    • as age increases, ciliary beat frequency decreases
    • cilia will also form some structural abnormalities
  • Infection and inflammation:
    • bacteria and viruses can attack cilia, which can impair ciliary function in themselves
    • but also by causing an inflammatory response more mucus is produced by goblet cells which further impairs ciliary function
  • Smoking:
    • inhaling smoke causes ciliary akinesia - no movement of cilia
    • in the long term the cilia get burnt off the epithelium, causing build up of sputum in the lungs - leading to repeated chest infections
    • smoke also contains irritants that cause goblets to produce more mucus
    • cilia can recover if smoking is given up