Schizophrenia is a seriousmentaldisorder affecting 1% of population and it is morecommon in males, citydwellers and lowersocialeconomicgroups
diagnosis-identiflysymptoms and we use classificationsystem to identify the disorder
classification-identifysymptoms that go together
the 2 classification systems are :
DSM-5-onepostive symptom must be present
ICD-10-2 or morenegative symptoms are sufficient for diagnosis
positive symptoms are additionalexperiences beyond those of ordinaryexperience
the positive symptoms of schizophrenia are:
hallucinations-unusualsensory experiences that have nobasis in reality or distortedperceptions of realthings. For example, hearingvoices or seeingpeople
delusions-beliefs that nobasis in reality. For example, beliefs about being a veryimportantperson or the victim of a conspiracy
negativesymptoms of schizophrenia are loss of usualabilities and experiences
the 2 negative symptoms of schizophrenia are:
speechpoverty- a reduction in the amount and quality of speech. This may include a delay in verbal responses duringconversation
avolition-severe loss of motivation to carry out everydaytasks like work or personal care. It results in loweredactivitylevels and unwillingness to carry out goal-directed behaviours
One strength of diagnosis of schizophrenia is goodreliability. A reliablediagnosis is consistentbetweenclinicians and between occasions. Osorio et al. report excellentreliability for schizophreniadiagnosis as it has an inter-rateragreement of +.97 and test-retest reliability of +.92. This means that the diagnosis of schizophrenia isconsistentlyapplied
One limitation of diagnosis of schizophrenia is lowvalidity.Criterionvalidity involves seeing whether differentproceduresused to assess the sameindividualsarrive at the samediagnosis. Cheniaux et al. had 2psychiatristsindependentlyassess the same100 clients. 68 were diagnosee with schizophrenia with ICD-10 and 39 with DSM-5. This means that schizophrenia is either over or underdiagnosed, suggesting that criterionvalidity is low.
One limitation of schizophrenia is co-morbidity with other conditions. If conditions often co-occur then they might be a single condition. Schizophrenia is commonlydiagnosed with other conditions. For example, Buckley et al. concluded that schizophrenia is co-morbid with depression (50% of cases), substance abuse (47%) or OCD (23%). This suggests that schizophrenia may notexist as a distinctcondition
One limitation of schizophrenia is genderbias.Men are diagnosed with schizophrenia more often than women, in a ratio of 1:4. This could be because men are moregeneticallyvulnerable, or women have bettersocialsupport, maskingsymptoms. This means that some women with schizophreniaaren’tdiagnosed so missout on helpfultreatment