the 4 humours(Hippocrates-theory on cause of disease)
blood ,phloem, yellowbile, black bile-linked to the 4 seasons/need to be balanced for good health
bad air causes disease-lasted until the 1860's
promoted people to do hygienic things(e.g. cleaning streets)
4 humours (treatment)
disease could be treated using opposites
diff. foods ,drinks, herbs/spices had a humour which could balance the excessive humour that was causing disease
many of his ideas were taught for centuries(incorrect ones)
only dissected on animals-animal/human bodies were very different
some ideas about anatomy was wrong
treating disease
praying/repentance-(holy shrines/flagellants -people who whipped themselves public in order to show to God that they were sorry)
blood letting(take blood out of body/make small cuts or use leaches)-people were accidently killed because too much blood was taken/purging-(getting rid of other fluids from the body by excreting/doctors=gave laxatives)
purifying the air(lavender-scent would fill room and kill disease
physicians -little practice(male doctors, trained in universities for at least 7 YEARS- read ancient texts),very expensive-onlyrich could afford it
Apothecary -prepared and sold remedies(trained through apprenticeships-wise woman-sold herbal remedies)-for those who couldntafford to go to a physician
barbersurgeons-carried most of the operations-also cut hair-had little medical training
a few publichospitals -most people were treated at home by family members(main=women)-hospitals=provided basic medical treatments ,food, water, warm place to stay
when was the blackdeath?
1348-50(killed onethird and one half of the populace in london)
herbal remedies which consisted over 70 ingredients
what did the government do(prevention)
new cemeteries to be build outside of town
Edward 3(1349) closed parliament
unsuccessful as many people in the town died
Bubonic plague
spread by bites of fleas from rats carried on ships-caused headaches+ high temperature-followed by swelling
Pneumonic plague(airborne)
Spread by coughs and sneezes it attacked the lungs making it painful to breathe-victims(coughed blood)