Optional 'nice-to-have' that are desirable but not essential
Hopes for the future, that people wish to have in the medium and long term
Needs, wants and aspirations change over time
Factors that influence changes in needs, wants and aspirations
Size of family
Ability to afford products
Prevailing culture of society
Needs, wants and aspirations at different life stages
(0-2 years old) need warmth and food, want love and attention
(13-19 years old) need warmth and food, want clothes, attention and social interaction
(26-40 years old) children's needs might take priority, want a bigger home and material goods
(66 onwards) needcare, help and support, want safety and security
Aspirations become more realistic as people learn more about life
Ways to satisfy needs, wants and aspirations
Medium and long-term savings
Longer-term borrowing
General feelings or beliefs about desirable behaviour and goals
Functions of values
Help distinguish between needs and wants
Help plan finances and decide between alternatives
More specific and detailed than values, can be religious or about concepts like free speech and fairness
How people think and feel about another person, event or issue at a given time and place
Internal factors that influence choices
External factors that influence choices
Marketing and advertising
Peer pressure
Trends, fashion and role models
Activities a company undertakes to promote the buying and selling of a product or service
Peer pressure
The feeling of wanting to fit in, particularly important for young people
What societyconsiders to be acceptable and unacceptable, modern societies have a culture of consumerism
Financial services are very interested in culture because it influences financial behaviour and what financial products will be successful
Cultural changes in financial behaviour
Before, mortgages were not seen as acceptable due to fear of debt, now mortgages are seen as acceptable due to strong sense of home ownership in the UK
Ethical investing
Choosing to save in a way that means the money will be used for what the individual considers to be goodpurposes
Managing finance
A person's financial choices are affected by their attitude to risk and reward
Islamic law (Sharia law) prohibits the payment of interest on debt, so Muslims are not allowed to borrow money via a Western-type mortgage or loan
An important concept in helping people choose financial products, involves considering implications and responsibilities