Cards (22)

  • what is the assumption of classical conditioning classical conditioning: this is where learning occurs through the association between a stimulus and response, it deals with unvoluntary behaviours
  • who identified this process Pavlov
  • what was pavlovs experiment conditioining dogs to salivate at the ring of a bell
  • strengths of pavlovs experiment - lab setting, extraneous variables are controlled so u can infer cause and effect
  • limitations of pavlovs experiment - low ecological validity, cant generalise to real life, artificial enviroment - tested on animals, humans are more complex cant apply findings
  • what is the assumption of operant conditioning this is where learning occurs due to the consequences of behaviour whether it is reinforced or punished, it deals with voluntary behvaiours
  • what are the 2 types of reinforcement positive and negative
  • positive reinforcement you are rewareded with something pleasent when a certain behaviour is produced, so its more likely for behaviour to be repeated
  • negative reinforcement you avoid something unpleasent when a certain behaviour is produced
  • punishment used to extinguish unwanted behvaiour, you recieve something unpleasent because of an unwanted behaviour
  • law of effect acts that are reinforced are more likely to be repeated, acts that are punished are more likely to be extingiushed
  • skinners rats exp? skinner conducted a lab experiment to investigate if rats could be trained to press a lever using operant conditioning
  • positive reinforcement of skinners experiment food dispenses each time lever is pressed
  • negative reinforcement of skinners the ground was electrocuting the rats and would only stop once the lever is pressed
  • strengths of his experiement - lab setting, highly controlled, cause and effect established
  • limitations of his experiment - low ecological validity, artficifical enviroment -> artificial behaviour - humans are more complex than rats
  • token economy a behaviour managment system in which targeted behaviour is reinforced with tokens (secondary reinforcers)that can later be exchanged for rewards (primary reinforcer) .
  • what is token economy used to treat schizophrenia
  • why is the behaviourist approach deterministic becasue they believe that everyone are slaves to their enviroment which suggests we have no free will
  • what are the two treatments of phobias flooding, systematic desensitisation
  • flooding is exposure to the most frightening stimulus immediatly, the person leads to associate the feared stimiulus with a relaxed state
  • systematic desensitisation - involves learning relaxation techniques and producing a fear hierachy and gradually working through, ensuring relaxation at each stage