Cards (15)

  • first assumption - in order to understand behaviour we must study the internal mental processes that control how we behave
  • what are the 3 internal mental processes memory, attention and thinking
  • what are schemas schemas are packages of information developed through experiences
  • bugelski + alampay ratman - two groups of ps were shown a series of pictures either animals or faces - they were then shown an ambigious figure (ratman) - those shown faces interpreted them as a face because of their schema
  • tormarken- - 2 groups of ps, one with a snake phobia and one without - he showed them a number of pictures with snakes in them - the participants with a phobia overexaggerated the amount of snakes in the picture, a result of the irrational faulty schemas
  • 2nd assumption - humans are information processors and can be compared to computers
  • info - sensory memory _ attention - short term memory _ rehearsal - long term memory
  • strengths of multi store model :) - simplifies human memory to make it easier to understand :) - humans and computers are very similar in info processing
  • :( - however the humanistic approach critcizes this as to fully understand human memory we should focus on the experience of being human
  • similarities of humans and computers - limited storage capacity, both have input + output, process info in stages
  • differences between humans and computers humans cant download memories from each other, computers dont forget infro, computers arent influenced by emotion
  • what is the emergence of cognitive science cognitive neuroscience is the scientific study of the influence of brain structures on mental processes
  • 1860s - paul broca discovered damage to the brocas area of the brain affects speech in the last 20 years - advances in technology have helped create PET + FMRI scans to study internal mental processes
  • uses of neuroscience - - scanning and imaging techniques to locate different types of memories, to study mental health issues such as OCD - use of computer simulations to test theories about MAT
  • how does the cog approach explain phobias
    through irrational faulty schemas