Nuclear fission

Cards (11)

  • What is nuclear fission?
    The splitting of large, unstable nuclei to form smaller more stable nuclei (+ the emission of spare neutrons).
  • Give an example of a fissionable isotope.
    uranium - 235
  • What usually needs to happen to induce fission?
    • The unstable nuclei must absorb a neutron
    • spontaneous fission (where no neutron absorption occurs) is rare.
  • Alongside two smaller nuclei, what else is emitted in a fission reaction?
    • two or three neutrons
    • gamma rays
    • energy
  • What form of energy do all fission products have?
    kinetic energy
  • What takes place during a chain reaction in a nuclear reactor?
    • An unstable nucleus absorbs a neutron
    • the nucleus undergoes fission and releases 2 or 3 further neutrons
    • these induce more fission, which results in a chain reaction
  • What is the consequence of an uncontrolled chain reaction?
    • The rate of fission events becomes too high and results in the production of too much energy
    • This can lead to a nuclear explosion
  • What are the three main components of the core a nuclear reactor?
    • Fuel rods
    • control rods
    • moderator
  • What is the role of the moderator in a nuclear reactor?
    To slow down the neutrons so they are travelling at speeds which allow them to be absorbed by fissile nuclei and cause fission
  • How is the chain reaction in a fission reactor kept under control?
    • Control rods are positioned in between the fuel rods
    • the rate of fission is controlled by moving these rods up and down
    • The lower the rods are inserted, the slower the rate of fission
  • What term is used to describe nuclei in which fission can be induced through the absorption of slow neutrons?
    Fissile nuclei