A passive ion channel allows passivediffusion of a substance down the chemical gradient. If they are open, they are called voltage gated ion channels.
Neurons and skeletalfibres have electrical membranes containing voltage gated ion channels that are activated by changes in the membranepotential.
Changes in the membranepotential can temporarilyreverse the distribution of electrical charges across the plasmamembrane.
Chemically gated ion channels are open when they bind specific chemicals. They have receptors that bind ACh at the neuromuscular junction.
Chemically gated ion channels are the most abundant on the dendrites, areas where most synapticcommunication occurs.
Mechanically gated ion channels open in response to a mechanicalstimuli that physically distort the neurons membrane surface. It is when the membrane returns to its original shape, the channel closes.
Label 1
A) dendrites
B) cell body
C) axon hillock
D) axon
E) axon terminals
Dendrites and cell body contain chemically gated Na+ and K+ channels.
Axon Hillock contains voltage gated Na+ and K+ channels.
Axon terminals contain Voltage gated Ca2+ channels.
Local potentials are graded potentials. They are a change in membrane potential voltage at a localisedarea of the dendrite or the cellbody membrane.
A local potential occurs by when a neurotransmitter binds to and openschemically gated ion channels on dendrites and/or cellbody, allowing ions (Na+) to move in or allowing ions (K+) to move out.
The loss of K+ ions makes the inside negative, thus local potentials can be excitatory (EPSP) or inhibitory (IPSP).
EPSP forms when a presynapticneuronreleases an excitatory neurotransmitter ACh. When the neurotransmitter binds, it opens chemically gated Na+ channels. These Na+ enters the post-synaptic cell, which causes depolarisation (membrane becomes more positive).
IPSP form when a neuron releases inhiibitory neurotransmitters (GABA). When the neurotransmitter binds, it opens chemically gated K+ channels, which exit the post-synaptic cell, causing hyperpolarisation. The membrane becomes more negative.
Usually a post-synaptic cells neuron receivesinput from multiplepre-synaptic neurons.
The summed effect of all EPSP and IPSP determines if the post-synaptic neuron activates.
Local potentials are summed in two ways, spatial summation and temporal summation.
Spacial summation is the summed input from multiplepre-synaptic neurons.
Temporal summation is the summed input from repeatedfiring of onepre-synaptic neuron.
(|) Neurons - Functional components (zones)

Input zone contains dendrites and cellbody and receiveschemical signals from other neurons. The summation zone structure is the axon hillock and it is the summation of inputs.
Pre-synaptic inputs are summed at the axon hillock because it has a highdensity of voltage-gated channels.
The threshold potential -(60mV) is the key that opens voltage gated channels. Thus, if summation occurs to or above (-60mV), voltage-gated Na+ channels open at the axonhillock.
Action potential Step 1
Voltage-gated Na+ channels open when membrane depolarises to -60mV.
Action Potential Step 2
A massive influx of Na+ causes 'rapid depolarisation phase' of the action potential.
Action Potential Step 3.5
As the membrane gets closer to the restingmembranepotential, voltage-gated Na+ channels begin shifting from inactive to closedstate.
Action potential Step 4
Voltage-gated K+ channels begin to closeslowly. This permits excessK+ to exit, causing hyperpolarisation phase of the action potential.
Action potential Step 5
When all voltage-gated K+ channels close, the membrane returns to -70mV.
Action potential Step 3
Voltage-gated Na+ channels inactivate. Then voltage-gated K+ channels opens, K+ exits. This causes the repolarisation phase of the action potential.