Geography OCR B paper 1

Cards (28)

  • Cumbria location
    North west england, just south of the scotland border.
  • Cumbria flooding 2015 (3 causes)
    Heavy rainfall (low pressure weather system)
    • Vegetation (Few trees to intercept rainfall)
    Saturated ground
  • Cumbria flooding (5 effects)
    • 1800 evacuated
    • 1 (reported) death
    • Small businesses permanently closed
    • 43000 homes lost power
    • 46 schools closed
  • Cumbria flooding(4 Responses)
    £400,000 donated by the public
    • 200 military personel came to remove fallen trees
    • 100+ flood warnings
    • Temporary flood barriers (raised embankment)
  • The Big Dry 2002-2009 location
    South east and south west australia, in the continent of Oceania
  • The Big dry (3 physical causes)
    • Low rainfall in Australia (dry, sinking air)
    High pressure system
    El Niño
  • The Big Dry (2 human causes)
    Overpopulation (23 million population, but very little water)
    • Agriculture (increased demand for water - 40% of produce comes from around the Murray River)
  • The Big Dry (4 consequences)
    • Water bills rose by 20%
    • Number of dairy farms decreased - farmers selling cattle
    10,000 employees in cotton industry affected
    • loss of biodiversity (plants dying)
  • The Big Dry (4 responses)
    • Farmers claim $400 weekly from government
    Water storage tanks minimise waste
    Car washing banned, showers limited to 4 minutes
    Recycling grey water from showers, baths, and washing machines
  • Nepal Earthquake location
    between India and China, 80km north-west of Nepal's capital Kathmandu in the foot hills of the Himalayas
  • Nepal Earthquake (5 Facts)
    • 7.8 magnitude
    • 25th april 2015
    • begun at 11:41 am
    8800 dead, 22,000 injured
    • 7.3 magnitude after-shock 2 weeks later (12th may) - 250 deaths
  • Nepal earthquake (2 causes)
    •Pressure built between tectonic plates
    • Nepal is an LIDC (poor infrastructure, lack of education, aseismic buildings inaccessible)
  • Nepal Earthquake (4 effects)
    Avalanche on everest (18 deaths)
    • Loss of tourism (irreplaceable 1000 year old religious building came down)
    473,000 homes damaged
    90% hospitals damaged
  • Nepal Earthquake (2 responses)
    330+ charities involved (food, water, shelter)
    • USD $200 MILLION donated from the Asian Development Bank
  • River Wye Location

    The River Wye is the 5th largest river in the UK, stretching 150m long from Plynlimon through england and wales.
  • River wye - Upper course (2 landforms)

    V-shaped valleys (steep gradient formed by erosion)
    Waterfalls (In Rhayader, one was removed)
  • River Wye - Middle course (2 landforms)
    Floodplains (lateral erosion)
    Levees (deposition of sediment close to the river during flooding)
  • River Wye - Lower course (2 landforms)

    Meanders (lateral erosion on outside bends)
    Ox-bow lakes ("neck" of the meander)
  • River Wye - Management
    Environment Agency
    • Afforestation
    • Diverting water from rivers to floodplains (reduced flood risk)
  • River Wye - Human activity (5 points)
    • Many settlements (Hay-on-Wye, Hereford, etc)
  • Crocker Range Location
    Crocker Range is a biosphere reserve (as of 2014) located in Malaysia, in the state of sabah on the island of Borneo. It covers 350,585 hectares.
  • Crocker Range - Core Area (3 facts)
    150,000 hectares
    6 permanent plots for ecological monitoring
    • population of 200 people (agricultural means)
  • Crocker Range - Buffer Zone (3 facts)
    60,000 hectares
    52 villages
    • Small-scale agriculture and rubber tree plantations
  • Crocker Range -Transition area (4 facts)
    • 146,000 hectares
    264 villages
    Subsistence farming occurs
    • open to tourism but activity is limited
  • Union Glacier location
    Union Glacier Camp is a camp setup in the ellsworth range in Antarctica
  • Union Glacier - Management (8 points)
    • Main activities are walking and trekking due to low impact
    • All waste carefully contained and moved
    • (optional) decontamination
    • Groups restricted to 20 and all must stay 5m away from wildlife
    • Most equipment used is solar powered
    • Same runway used every time, naturally blue thus easily locateable
    • Non-essentials flown in (e.g. souvenirs)
    • expensive ( approx. £31,000 per person for 5 nights)
  • Antarctic Treaty (2 facts)
    • Set up in JUNE 1961
    • 12 countries originally signed, which increased to 52 by 2016
  • Antarctic Treaty (6 objectives)
    • Protect antarctic environment and values
    • Ban mineral extraction and mining
    Tourists/visitors comply with protocol
    Demilitarise the area
    • No disputes over land (unowned)
    • Establish a nuclear-free zone