Module 13: Invasive Species Reading

Cards (19)

  • Is Singer or Regan utilitarian?
  • Is Singer or Regan the first to discuss animal rights?
  • Does Singer or Regan believe subjects of a life possess rights?
  • Does Singer or Regan belive all sentient organisms deserve moral consideration?
  • anthropocentric views: put humans and human interests at highest consideration
  • ecocentric views: place more value on environment
  • what was the final agreed upon gray squirrel management?
    • live trapping
    • anesthesia and euthanasia
  • why did gray squirrel eradication not work?
    legal struggles prevented managers from acting before population was too large to control
  • how are mute swans controlled?
    • making eggs nonfertile by shaking
    • lethal control of adults when degrading environment
  • what hindered mute swan regulation?
    federally protected under migratory bird treaty act
  • why did feral pigs need to be managed?
    damage ecosystem by rooting vegetation and compete with native species for food
  • what did animal rights and managers agree on for feral pig management?
    protection of native landscape justified removal
  • what did animal rights and managers not agree on for feral pig management?

    public hunting and use of carcasses for human consumption
  • what do animal rights activists and conservation biologist have in common?
    • focus on green issues
    • value nature and living organisms over some economic consideration
    • view humans as preservers and supporters of natural resources
  • animal rights philosophy focuses on welfare of individual animals
  • managers deal with populations and communities
  • reactive approach: animal rights organizations become involved after introduction has occured
  • proactive approach: wildlife managers address issue prior to arrival or establishment of invasive species
  • how are invasive native species managed?
    ongoing control