tectonics from spec

Cards (51)

  • Tectonic disaster trends since 1960
    • Number of deaths
    • Numbers affected
    • Level of economic damage
  • Tectonic disaster trends should be understood in the context of overall disaster trends
  • Research into the accuracy and reliability of the data is important to interpret complex trends
  • Tectonic mega-disasters

    • Can have regional or even global significance in terms of economic and human impacts
  • Tectonic processes and Hazards case study recall
    • 2010 Eyafjallajokull eruption in Iceland (global interdependence)
    • 2011 Japanese tsunami (energy policy)
    • Church Stretton fault and ring of fire
    • Aceh Indonesia
    • Himalayas, Hawaiin Islands
    • Sichuan 2008
    • Nepal 2015
    • Tohoku 2011
    • California 1993
    • Haiti 2010
    • New Zealand 2010-11
    • Mount Pinatubo
    • Mount Ontake
    • Chile 2010
    • Mid atlantic ridge
  • The concept of a multiple-hazard zone and how linked hydrometeorological hazards sometimes contribute to a tectonic disaster (the Philippines)
  • Theoretical frameworks to understand tectonic hazards

    • Prediction and forecasting (role of scientists)
    • Hazard management cycle (response, recovery, mitigation, preparedness) (role of emergency planners)
  • Prediction and forecasting accuracy depend on the type and location of the tectonic hazard
  • Use of Park's Model to compare the response curve of hazard events, comparing areas at different stages of development
  • Strategies to modify the event
    • Land-use zoning
    • Hazard-resistant design
    • Engineering defences
    • Diversion of lava flows
  • Strategies to modify the event involve the role of planners and engineers
  • Strategies to modify vulnerability and resilience
    • Hi-tech monitoring
    • Prediction
    • Education
    • Community preparedness
    • Adaptation
  • Strategies to modify vulnerability and resilience involve models forecasting disaster impacts with and without modification
  • Strategies to modify loss
    • Emergency aid
    • Short-term aid
    • Longer-term aid
    • Insurance
  • Strategies to modify loss involve the role of NGOs and insurers, as well as the actions of affected communities themselves
  • Resilience
    Community's threshold
  • Pressure and Release (PAR) model

    • Explains the complex inter-relationships between the hazard and its wider context
  • Tectonic hazards (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis)

    Social and economic impacts on people, economy and environment in contrasting locations (developed, emerging and developing world)
  • How can tectonic hazards onset be measured?
    Measure of tectonic hazards using Mercalli, Moment Magnitude Scale (MMS) and Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI)
  • Intensity
    Measure of tectonic hazards using Mercalli, Moment Magnitude Scale (MMS) and Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI)
  • Characteristics of tectonic hazards
    • Magnitude
    • Speed of onset and areal extent
    • Duration
    • Frequency
    • Spatial predictability
  • Earthquake, volcano and tsunami events

    Severity of social and economic impact in developed, emerging and developing countries
  • Factors that affect inequality
    Inequality of access education, housing, healthcare and income opportunities can influence vulnerability and resilience
  • How can governments influence tectonic hazards
    • Local and national government influence vulnerability and resilience
  • Geographical factors
    • Population density, isolation/accessibility, degree of urbanisation influence vulnerability and resilience
  • Contrasting hazard events in developed, emerging and developing countries
    Interaction of physical factors and significance of context influence the scale of disaster
  • Enquiry question 1
    Why are some locations more at risk from tectonic hazards?
  • Key idea 1.1
    • The global distribution of tectonic hazards can be explained by plate boundary and other tectonic processes
  • Detailed content 1.1a
    • The global distribution and causes of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis
  • Detailed content 1.1b
    • The distribution of plate boundaries resulting from divergent, convergent and conservative plate movements (oceanic, continental and combined situations)
  • Detailed content 1.1c
    The causes of intra-plate earthquakes, and volcanoes associated with hot spots from mantle plumes
  • Key idea 1.2
    • There are theoretical frameworks that attempt to explain plate movements
  • Detailed content 1.2a
    • The theory of plate tectonics and its key elements (the earth's internal structure, mantle convection, palaeomagnetism and sea floor spreading, subduction and slab pull)
  • Detailed content 1.2b
    • The operation of these processes at different plate margins (destructive, constructive, collision and transform)
  • Detailed content 1.2c
    Physical processes impact on the magnitude and type of volcanic eruption, and earthquake magnitude and focal depth (Benioff zone)
  • Key idea 1.3
    • Physical processes explain the causes of tectonic hazards
  • Detailed content 1.3a
    • Earthquake waves (P, S and L waves) cause crustal fracturing, ground shaking and secondary hazards (liquefaction and landslides)
  • Detailed content 1.3b
    • Volcanoes cause lava flows, pyroclastic flows, ash falls, gas eruptions, and secondary hazards (lahars, jökulhlaups)
  • Detailed content 1.3c
    Tsunamis can be caused by sub-marine earthquakes at subduction zones as a result of sea-bed and water column displacement
  • what is the pacific ring of fire?
    it is a main earthquake zone where 70% if all earthquakes are found