Hungarian Uprising

Cards (22)

  • Stalin died
    March 1953
  • Khrushchev came to power
  • What Khrushchev did in Yugoslavia
    Apologised for Stalin's actions
  • Khrushchev met with western leaders at Geneva
    1st time in over a decade
  • Khrushchev's Secret Speech
    Denounced Stalin's policies and wanted peaceful co-existence without capitalist nations
  • Khrushchev's 'de-stalinisation' actions
    1. Broke up Cominform
    2. Spoke of different roads of socialism
  • Western promises
    Hungarians believed help would come from UN or Eisenhower
  • Poverty in Hungary
    Much of the goods/foods was sent by the USSR
  • Help from Yugoslavia
    Convinced Khrushchev to replace Rákosi
  • Nationalism in Hungary
    Hungarians were very patriotic and hated soviet control
  • Role of Catholic Church
    Cardinal Jószef Mindszenty, the leader, was banned and in prison
  • Oppression in Hungary
    Secret police, censorship, control of education
  • Hungarian people began to protest against Rákosi's regime, and Moscow replaced him with Ernő Gerő
    June 1956
  • Students took to the streets and were supported by the workers and the Hungarian army
    October 23rd 1956
  • Imre Nagy, a moderate communist, was named as leader
    October 24th 1956
    • Soviet tanks opened fire killing 12 and wounding 100+
    • Nagy forced to resign but reinstated the same day
    October 25th 1956
  • Nagy released political prisoners, the most famous being cardinal Mindszenty
    October 30th 1956
  • Nagy announced free elections and withdrawal from Warsaw Pact and Hungarian neutrality
    November 1st 1956
    • 200,000 soviet troops and 6000 tanks crossed border
    • Quickly captured airports,bridges and key road junctions
    November 4th 1956
  • Ceasefire but fighting until 1957
    10th of November
  • 200,000 Hungarians fled the country
  • Nagy: 'This is not a counter revolution. This is a fight for freedom'