Prauge Spring

Cards (11)

  • What were the causes of the Prague spring?
    1. Desire for political reform
    2. Economic stagnation-recession
    3. Industrial products were exported while Czechs starved
    4. The desire for freedom of the press-Union of wanted
    5. Soviet influence and control
    6. Leadership changes in Czechoslovakia
  • What did Dubcek famously want?
    Socialism with a human face
    -less harsh and mechanical but still communist
  • What was the Action Programme (Prague Spring)

    The Action Programme was a reform program introduced during the Prague Spring in 1968 by Czechoslovakia's leader Alexander Dubček to democratize and liberalize the country's communist regime and bring communism up to date.
  • What were the points of the Prague Spring?
    -Freedom of speech
    -Less centralized economic control
    -Development of foreign trade
    -Removal of restrictions to travel abroad
    -Reduction of secret police powers
  • Why did this scare Brezhnev and what did he do to express these concerns?
    -copied in other EE countries
    -Leaders of Poland + East Germany presents similar fears
    -In July, the USSR, Hungary, and Bulgaria wrote to express concerns
  • What did Dubcek guarantee that was different from Hungary?
    That they would stay in the Warsaw Pact
  • What did Brezhnev do on 20/08/1968
    Brezhnev got 400,000 troops to enter in response to 4 Czechs asking for help
  • How did Dubcek act during this?
    He urged for ‘passive resistance’
    After going to Moscow he announced the Prague Spring ended and resigned months later and replaced by Husak
  • How many died as a result?
  • What was the consequences of the situation?Albania left the Warsaw Pact
    • The leader of Romania called it a grave error
    • Many western communist party members resigned following the invasion
    • People who supported reforms lost jobs/homes
  • Brezhnev Doctrine 1968
    -Justification of invasion
    -Prevented an eastern communist country from turning to capitalism
    -Declaration of USSR controlling iron curtain countries