Korean War

Cards (21)

  • Domino Theory
    The belief that if one country falls to communism, neighboring countries will also fall, like a row of dominoes
  • Policy of Containment
    The US policy of trying to prevent the spread of communism
  • The US believed Stalin encouraged the North Korean invasion
  • The US feared if one country fell to communism, another would follow
  • The US and UN policy changed from containment to rollback
  • Fall of China
    China became a communist country, which helped spread communism in Asia
  • Strategic Importance of Korea
    • Neighbours with China, Japan and Russia
    • USSR wanted a communist Korean government while the USA established a regime to introduce capitalist democracy
  • North Korea invades South Korea
  • Kim Il Sung garnered the support of Mao and Stalin</b>
  • Within days Seoul was captured
  • Anti-Communist Sentiment in the USA
    Sen. Joseph McCarthy alleged the USSR had a conspiracy to get communists sympathised in high positions in American life, leading to a 'witch hunt' and the 'Un-American Activities Committee' being given power to question and blacklist anyone
  • North Korea invades South Korea
    25th June 1950
  • Inchon Landing by UN forces

    September 1950
  • US + SK forces crossed 38th parallel and pushed into NK exceeding US orders to unite the country

    9th October 1950
  • 250,000 Chinese volunteers (so no declaration of war) invaded. NK pushed the UN back.

    November 1950
  • Truman sacked General McArthur due to him criticising policies

    April 1951
  • Middle of 1951 Both sides dug in, war went aerial
  • Peace talks begin
    June 1951
  • Eisenhower and Khrushchev in power

  • Ceasefire agreed in Panmunjom, assisted by the US nuclear threat against China. PT never signed. Permanent border slightly North of 38th Parallel, DMZ between 2 states.

    July 1953
  • Consequences of Korean War
    • US signed agreements with the Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand
    • NATO became military alliance not political association
    • US-Chinese deteriorated relations-US continued to recognise nationalists as rightful government
    • Containment worked but rollback didn't
    • N and S relationship remained tense and bitter
    • 2 million deaths- border not much different
    • US treaty with Japan and heavy economic investment