
Cards (27)

  • Digestive System
    The system responsible for the digestion and absorption of food and other nutrients in the body
  • The Digestive System has 6 Functions
  • Tunic Layers of Organs in Alimentary Canal
    • Submucosal Nerve Plexus: Controls Glandular Secretions
    • Myenteric Nerve Plexus: Controls Motility of Smooth Muscle
  • Anatomy of Each Organ in Alimentary Canal
    • Mouth
    • Pharynx
    • Esophagus
    • Stomach
    • Small Intestine
    • Large Intestine (Colon)
  • Anatomy of Each Accessory Digestive Organ
    • Teeth
    • Salivary Glands
    • Pancreas
    • Liver
    • Gallbladder
  • Physiology of all Digestive Organs
    • pH of each organ
    • Nutrients digested in each organ
    • Secretions (enzymes, bile, mucus, etc.) produced/released
  • Organization of Digestive System
    • Peritoneum: serous membranes of abdominal cavity
    • Peritoneal cavity: fluid-filled space to lubricate organs
    • Mesentery: double layer of peritoneum that extends from body wall to digestive organs
    • Intraperitoneal (peritoneal) organs: organs located within the peritoneum
    • Retroperitoneal organs: located outside, or posterior to, the peritoneum
  • Mastication
    Chewing food to increase surface area and produce a bolus
  • Deglutition
    Swallowing a bolus; includes buccal phase (voluntary) and pharyngeal-esophageal phase (involuntary)
  • Peristalsis
    Wave-like muscular contraction through GI tract; begins at esophagus
  • Pyloric Pump
    Emptying of ~3 ml of chyme from stomach; increases mixing
  • Segmentation
    Massage of chyme in small intestine to increase mixing and digestion/absorption
  • Stimulation of Stomach
    Cephalic, Gastric, and Intestinal Phases
  • Catabolism
    Large molecules -> small molecules
  • Enzymatic Hydrolysis
    Water + enzymes are used to break down molecules into smaller ones
  • Digestion in Mouth
    Carbohydrates -> salivary amylase -> carbohydrates
  • Digestion in Stomach
    Proteins -> HCl, pepsin -> dipeptides and polypeptides
  • Digestion in Duodenum
    1. CHO -> pancreatic amylase -> disaccharides -> simple sugars (glucose, fructose, galactose)
    2. Polypeptides & dipeptides -> pancreatic proteases -> dipeptides and amino acids
    3. Fats -> bile -> emulsified fats -> pancreatic lipase -> fatty acids + glycerol
  • Digestion of DNA and RNA
    DNA and RNA -> DNAases and RNAases -> nucleotides
  • Absorption of Simple Sugars and Amino Acids
    Absorbed into intestinal capillaries via facilitated diffusion and co-transport (coupled with Na+)
  • Absorption of Fats
    Fatty acids + Glycerol -> bile salts -> micelles -> chylomicrons -> lacteals (lymphatic vessels)
  • Micelles
    Fat droplets with bile salts
  • Chylomicrons
    Protein-coated micelles
  • SNS
    Inhibits GI tract activity
  • PNS
    Stimulates GI tract activity
  • Gastrin
    Hormone that stimulates gastric activity
  • Secretin / Cholecystokinin
    Hormones that inhibit gastric activity and stimulate intestinal, pancreatic, liver, gallbladder activity, and open hepatopancreatic ampulla