Characteristics, processes, or reactions of soil that are caused by physical forces and which can be described by, or expressed in, physical terms or equations
Physical properties
They can be seen or felt
They help answer questions like: Is the soil loose so roots can grow easily through it or does water seep in easily? Is the soil tight hampering root growth and water absorption? How well does the soil supply air, water, and nutrients?
Outline of Chapter 2
Soil Texture
Soil Structure
Soil Color
Bulk Density
Soil Porosity
Void Ratio
Soil Permeability
Soil Consistence
Soil Tilth
Soil Temperature
Soil Water
Soil texture
The relative proportion of the soil particles or separates - sand (coarsest), silt (medium), and clay (finest)
Soiltexture refers to the sensation when you rub the materials with your fingers
Soiltexture is a stable property, meaning it does not easily change with soil management
Soil texture affects soil behavior, in particular its retention capacity for nutrients and water
Sand and silt are the products of physical and chemical weathering; clay, on the other hand, results from chemical reactions between weathered minerals
Internal surface area (ISA)
The total surface area of all the soil particles
Reactions occur on the soil surface
Soils with the smallest particles, like silt and clay, have the largest surface area, they hold the most moisture
Only the finest particles are charged, hence, are important for nutrient retention
Soil pores
Larger between large particles and smaller between small particles
Large pores that allow water to drain rapidly
Small pores that tend to retain water
Soil separates
Coarse, gritty, mostly primary minerals (quartz), cubic to spherical in shape, acts as individual grains
Smooth, powdery, mostly primary minerals (quartz), cubic to spherical in shape, able to hold large amounts of water in a form plants can use
Sticky and plastic when moist, mostly secondary "clay" minerals, very high specific surface area hence the most reactive component of the soil, plate-like or flake-like or sheet-like
Influence of surface area on other soil properties
Greater surface area means greater capacity for holding water films
Greater surface area means greater rate of release of plant nutrients from weatherable minerals
Greater surface area means greater rate of release of plant nutrients and other chemicals
Greater surface area means greater propensity of soil particles to stick together in a coherent mass, or as discrete aggregates
Microbial reactions in soils are greatly affected by the specific surface area
Generalized influence of soil separates on some properties and behavior of soils
Water-holding capacity
Drainage rate
Total surface area (TSA)
Ability to store nutrients
Suitability for tillage after rain
Soil organic matter level
Decomposition of OM
Warm-up in spring
Resistance to pH change (Buffering capacity)
Susceptibility to water erosion
Shrink-swell potential
Sealing of ponds, dams, and landfills
Pollutant leaching potential
Susceptibility to wind erosion
Soil scientists have simplified texture by dividing soils into 12 textural classes
Fine-textured soils: sandy clay, silty clay, and clay
For most purposes, growers consider medium-textured soils (loam, silt loam, silt) to be ideal
Determination of textural class
Indirect methods: Use of soil survey report, Use of soil map (paper and interactive), Use of soil databases (tabular and GIS/map-based)
Direct methods: Qualitative "feel" or "roll" method, Laboratory quantitative methods (dispersion, fractionation - sieving, sedimentation, laser diffraction)
Stoke's law
The settling velocity of particles in a liquid medium is directly proportional to the square of the particle diameter
USDA size classification of rock fragments
Gravel or Pebbles (2- 75 mm)
Cobbles (75-250 mm if round)
Channers (75-250 mm if flat)
Stones (250-600 mm)
Boulders (>600 mm)
Importance of soil texture
Governs the way water behaves in the soil (infiltration and percolation)
Guides irrigation and drainage management
Fine soils retain nutrients better than coarse soils
Influences how easily soil can be worked
Soil structure
The arrangement of soil particles (sand, silt, and clay) under natural conditions into bigger units or the way they clump together into large units called aggregates
Conditions for a soil to have structure: there should be aggregation and a definite pattern or arrangement of particles
Structureless soil conditions
Types of soil structure
Spheroidal (granular and crumb)
Prismlike (columnar and prismatic)
Granular structure
Typically ranges from <1 mm to as large as 10 mm in diameter, characterizes many surface soils (usually topsoil or commonly found in the A horizon of arable soil), particularly those high in organic matter, the principal type of soil structure affected by management, water circulates very easily through such soils
Crumb structure
Very porous
Platy structure
Characterized by relatively thin horizontal sheetlike peds (plates), commonly found in E horizon and forest soils, may occur in part of A horizon, and in claypan soils, unlike other structure types, can be inherited from soil parent materials, especially those laid down by water or ice, compaction of clayey soils by heavy machinery can create platy structure
Blocklike structure
Irregular, roughly cubelike, and range from about 5 to 50 mm, individual blocks are not shaped independently but are molded by the shapes of the surrounding blocks
Spheroidal soil structure
Granular structure that may be separated from each other in a loosely packed arrangement
Very porous
Platelike (platy) soil structure
Characterized by relatively thin horizontal sheetlike peds (plates)
Commonly found in E horizon and forest soils
May occur in part of A horizon, and in claypan soils
Can be inherited from soil parent materials, especially those laid down by water or ice
Can be created by compaction of clayey soils by heavy machinery
Blocklike soil structure
Irregular, roughly cubelike, and range from about 5 to 50 mm
Individual blocks are not shaped independently but are molded by the shapes of the surrounding blocks
Usually found in B horizons (subsoil) in humid regions where they promote drainage, aeration, and root penetration