Gigantism: Excess of GH before puberty and fusion of longbones, Increased height
Acromegaly: GH excess after puberty and fusion of long bones, No increase in height, Soft tissues continue to grow, Bones in hands, feet, & face continue to grow (small bones), Muscles continue to grow
Causes: Abuse/Neglect, Pituitary Tumors, Agenesis of Pituitary
Clinical Manifestations: Normal intelligence usually but can have mental retardation or minor learning disabilities, Short stature or dwarfism, Obesity with immature facial features, Delay in skeletal maturation, Delayed puberty, Microphallus in males
Causes: Preexisting from childhood, Pituitary tumor, Treatment of pituitary tumor
Clinical Manifestations: Decrease in lean body mass, Increase in fat mass, Decreased bone mineral density, Reduced exercise capacity, Diminished sense of well-being
Butterfly-shaped structure located immediately below the larynx in the anterior middle portion of neck (not normally palpable)
Efficient in use of iodine
Thyroid hormones (T3 & T4) regulate growth and development of children, metabolism and protein synthesis, cardiovascular and respiratory functions, GI motility, neural control of muscle function and tone