The central dogma of molecular biology is a principal that describes the flow of geneticinformation, from DNA to functionalgroups.
Gene expression is a process by which the informationencoded in a gene is used to produce a functionalgene product (can be a protein or non-coding) RNA molecule.
A gene is a specificregion or sequence of DNA that contains instructions for producing a functionalRNAmolecule.
Describe DNA
A) Gene
C) Protein
D) function
E) non-coding RNA
F) tRna
G) function
A gene can have variousroles. It is responsible for regulation of the synthesis of RNA and responsible for further processing of RNA.
Transcription is the synthesis of RNA using information in the RNA.
Transcription process
The twonucleicacids are written in different forms of the same language, which is transcribed from DNA to RNA, providing a template strand.
Transcription process
After providing a template strand, it is used to create a complimentary strand during DNAreplication.
Transcription process
After creating a complimentary strand, for proteincodinggene, the resulting RNA molecule is a transcript of genes protein building instructions called mRNA.
mRNA carries geneticmessage from the DNA to proteinsynthesising machinery of the cell and does this by catalysing the information of phosphodiesterbonds between ribonucleotides.
Transcription process
RNApolymerase selects the correct nucleotides to incorporate into mRNA based on the sequence of the DNA, which is being transcribed.
5' -> 3' direction is the coding strand.
3' -> 5' is the template strand.
DNA is transcribed to mRNA that runs a 5' -> 3' direction.
Transcription has 3 stages:
Initiation is regulated by specificDNA sequences. Transcriptionfactors bind to TATA box and other regions of the promoter.
RNA Pol || binds, forming a transcriptionalinitiationcomplex.
Then the two DNA strands seperate and RNA Pol || starts mRNAsynthesis without a need of a primer.
Label initiation
A) promoter
B) non-template strand
C) template strand
D) start point
E) TATA box
F) transcription factors
G) RNA polymerase ||
H) RNA transcript
Elongation is producingRNA. RNA Pol || uses the template strand. which runs 3' - 5' direction, as a template strand and insertscomplimentary RNA nucleotides in 5' - 3' direction.
Coding sequence is a portion of genes DNA that is translated into a protein.
The promoter is DNAsequencerecognised by RNApolymerase to initiate transcription.
UTR (untranslatedregions) is transcribed, but not translated. They contain regulatory elements that influencegeneexpression. 3' UTR facilitates of poly-Atail.
5' cap prevents mRNA degration, promotes intron excision and provides a bindingsite for small ribosomal unit.
Pony-A tail prevents mRNAdegration and facilitatesexport of mRNA from nucleus to cytoplasm.