cc lec renal function

Cards (13)

  • 3 sources of creatinine : glycine, arginine and methionine
  • azotemia is the elevation of urea in the blood
  • urea is the npn with the highest concentration in the blood
  • urea is the major excretory product of protein metabolism
  • creatinine is a waste product formed by creatine and creatine phosphate in the muscle
  • uric acid is a catabolized purine nucleic acid
  • the catabolism of guanine and adenosine makes uric acid
  • Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase - lesch nyhan syndrome
  • tophi formation is the formation of uric acid crystals
  • free water clearance, mosenthal , fishberg, osmolality and osmolarity - TUBULAR REABSORPTION TEST
  • PAH, titratable activity, urinary ammonia : TUBULAR SECRETION AND RENAL BLOOD FLOW TEST
  • urea clearance test, creatinine cL, inulin cystatin c- GLOMERULAR FILTRATION TEST
  • inulin clearance - gold standard