Comprog 3

Cards (48)

  • Array in Java

    An object used to store elements of the same data type in contiguous memory locations
  • Characteristics of a single-dimensional array
    • It can store elements of the same data type
    • It represents a list of variables of the same data type
    • Elements are accessed by specifying their index
  • Declare a single-dimensional array in Java

    int[] arrayName;
  • Declare and initialize a single-dimensional array in Java

    int[] numbers = new int[5];
  • Two-dimensional array
    An array of arrays where data is organized into rows and columns
  • Print elements of an array using a Java for loop

    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { System.out.println(array[i]); }
  • Java for-each loop
    Allows you to traverse an array without explicitly using indices
  • Arrays.toString() method

    Converts an array to a string representation
  • Variables in Java

    Containers for storing data values
  • Local variables
    Declared inside a method, constructor, or block of code
  • Instance variables
    Can be accessed from anywhere within the class
  • Difference between local and global variables

    Local variables are accessible only within the block of code in which they are declared, while global variables can be accessed from anywhere within the class
  • abs() method in Java Math class

    Returns the absolute value of a number
  • sqrt() method in Java Math class

    Returns the square root of a number
  • max() method in Java Math class

    Returns the larger of two values
  • String literal
    A sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes
  • Where string literals are stored
    String pool
  • length() method for strings

    Used to obtain the length of a string
  • Java Stream API
    Processes collections of objects with functional-style operations
  • Iterator interface
    Used to iterate over elements in a collection
  • Arrays.equals() method

    Compares two arrays for equality
  • Arrays.asList() method

    Converts an array to a list
  • Arrays.sort() method

    Sorts the elements of an array
  • Java for-each loop

    Allows you to iterate over elements in an array without using indices
  • log() method in Java Math class

    Calculates the natural logarithm of a number
  • round() method in Java Math class

    Rounds a floating-point value to the nearest integer
  • sin(), cos(), tan() methods in Java Math class
    Calculate the trigonometric sine, cosine, and tangent of an angle
  • substring(int i, int j) method for strings
    Returns the substring from the specified start index to the end index - 1
  • toLowerCase() method for strings

    Converts all characters in the string to lowercase
  • replace(char oldChar, char newChar) method for strings

    Replaces all occurrences of a specified character with another character in a string
  • Difference between string literal and string object

    A string literal is stored in the string pool, while a string object is stored in the heap memory
  • charAt(int i)
    Returns the character at the specified index position in this string
  • substring(int i)

    Returns a new string that is a substring of this string
  • indexOf(String s)
    Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring
  • String literal
    Stored in the string pool
  • String object
    Stored in the heap memory
  • String literal
  • String object
  • String literals are created using double quotes, while string objects are created using the new keyword</b>
  • String literals have a fixed size, while string objects can dynamically resize