Personality is ones characteristics and patterns of thinking, feeling and acting
Freud was a determinist that created the psychosexualstages of development
Freud believes every person has an ego, superego and id
Free Association is a method of exploring the unconscious where a person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind despite how embarrassing
Psychoanalysis is Freud'stheory of personality, attributing thoughts and actions to unconsciousmotives and conflicts
Psychoanalysistechniques are used in treating psychological disorders by seeking to expose and interpret unconscioustensions
Unconscious is a reservoir of mostly unacceptablethoughts, wishes, feelings and memories
Contemporary psychologists processinformation that we are unawareof
id is an unconsciouspart of the mind that strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives
The id operates on the "pleasure principle" and demandsimmediate gratification
The ego functions as an "executive" part of personality and mediates the demands of id and superego
Ego operates on the "reality principle" and satisfies the id'sdesires in ways
The superego provides standards for judgment and for futureaspirations and is the last to develop in a person
Superego operates on the "moral principle"
Psychosexual Stages of Development are childhoodstages of development during which the id'spleasure-seeking energies focus on distinct erogenous zones
The Oral stage happens from 0-18 months; pleasure is centered on the mouth with sucking, biting and chewing
The Anal stage happens from 18-36 months; pleasure is focused on bowel and bladderelimination and coping with demands for control
Along the Anal stage, anal retention and anal expulsive are present
Anal retention is when a person who pays such attention to detail it becomes an obsession and may be an annoyanceto others
Anal expulsive is when pleasureobtained by expellingfeces and sadisticinstinct is linked to destruction of the object
The Phallic stage happens from 3-6 years; pleasure zone is genitals and coping with incestuoussexualfeelings
The Latency stage happens from 6 to puberty and dormantsexualfeelings are present
The Genital stage happens from puberty on and focuses on the maturation of sexual interests
Oedipus complex (Penis envy) is a boy's sexualdesires toward his mother and feelings of jealous and hatred for the rival father
Identification is the process in which childrenincorporate their parents' values into their developingsuperegos
Fixation is a lingering focus of pleasure-seekingenergies at an earlier psychosexualstage where conflicts are unresolved
Defense mechanisms are the ego'sprotective methods of reducinganxiety by unconsciouslydistortingreality
Repression is the banishment of anxiety-arousingthoughts, feelings and memories from consciousness and is the root of all defense mechanisms
Regression is when an individual is led and faced with anxiety to retreat to a more infantilepsychosexualstage
Reaction formation is what causes the ego to unconsciouslyswitchunacceptableimpulses into their opposites (eg. feelings of purity while suffering anxiety from unconscious feelings about sex)
Projection leads people to disguise their own threateningimpulses by attributing them to others
Rationalization offers self-justifyingexplanations in place of real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for one's actions
Displacement is the shift of sexual/aggressiveimpulsestoward a more acceptable/lessthreateningobject/persons (redirection of anger toward a safer outlet)
Denial is the refusal to acceptreality/fact,acting as if a painfulevent, thought or feelingdidn't exist
Sublimation is the channel of impulses into acceptablebehavior (usually uses humor)
Compensation is the process of psychologically counterbalancing perceivedweakness by emphasizingstrength in other areas
The Rorschach Inkblot Test is a widely used projectivetest with a set of 10inkblotsdesigned by Hermann Rorschach
The Rorschach Inkblot Test seeks to identify people's innerfeelings by analyzing their interpretations of the blots
Alfred Adler believed in childhoodtensions were social in nature and notsexual
Alfred Adler believed that a child struggles with inferiority complex during growth and will strive for superiority and power; also relates to birth-order and sibling rivalry