Module 11: Immune Response Summary

Cards (3)

  • innate immune response summary:
    1. saliva kills microbes, lysozymes degrade cell wall
    2. stomach acid destroys microbes
    3. inflammation attracts phagocytes (neutrophils and macrophages)
    4. complement activation releases mediators of inflammation
    5. phagocytosis is slowed by bacteria defense
  • adaptive immune response summary:
    1. macrophange/dendritic cells present antigens to T and B cells
    2. TH2 cells signal B cell differentiation into plasma cells
    3. antibodies are produced by plasma cells
    4. antibodies provide opsonins, enhance phagocytosis
    5. toxin precipitation
  • viral infection immune response:
    1. virus infects and replicates in cell
    2. some viral proteins are degraded and displayed in MHC 1 molecules
    3. TH1 cells activate cytotoxic T cells
    4. cytotoxic T cells attack infected cell with MHC 1 antigen and produce antibodies
    5. antibodies agglutinate free virus, lead to phagocytosis