Cervical Body Wall

Cards (11)

  • Longus Coli: Flex the neck
  • Levator Scapulae: Elevate Scapula, Flex Neck
  • Posterior Scalene: Flex lower cervicale vertebral column
  • Middle Scalene: Lateral Flexion of Cervicale Vertebral column
  • Anterior Scalene: Lateral flexion and rotate cervicale vertebral column
  • Sternothyroid: Depress thyroid cartilage
  • Thyrohyoid: Depress hyoid
  • Omohyoid: Depress hyoid
  • Geniohyoid: Depress Mandible
  • Sternohyoid: Depress hyoid bone
  • Neck muscles
    A) Longus Coli
    B) Sternothyroid
    C) Sternohyoid
    D) Omohyoid
    E) Levator Scapulae
    F) Anterior Scalene
    G) Middle Scalene
    H) Posterior Scalene