Cards (52)

  • Islam
    Derived from the Arabic word root "salaama" meaning peace, purity, submission and obedience
  • Muslim
    To be clothed by God's protection to ensure peace
  • State of Islam - All things move to the motion of nature
  • Assalamu-alaikum
    Peace be with you blessed one
  • Alaikum-musalam
    And be with you too
  • Qur'an
    Written by ALLAH, nothings added or deleted, blueprint
  • Qur'an
    Designs the blueprint of their destiny
  • The Five Pillars of Islam
    • Shahada
    • Salat
    • Zacat
    • Saum
    • Hajj
  • Shahada
    Testimony of faith/Islam
  • Shahada
    I testify that there is no God but Allah, MUHAMMAD is the messenger and prophet
  • Salat
    Establishment of Prayers
  • Salat
    Pray 5 times daily - daybreak, noonday, midday, twilight
  • Mosque/Congregation
    In praying, in the office or in the fields, near an animal or beside the sea, a believer brings one to the presence of God
    Obligatory Charity - 2.5% of the income for charity, gives to the poorer brothers and sisters in faith
  • SAUM
    Fast of Ramadan during the ninth month of Islamic calendar to commemorate the first revelation of Qur'an to Mohammad - practice of prayer without food and water continues for thirty days, prayer, devotion and self-restraint
  • HAJJ

    Pilgrimage to Mecca - ultimate act of worship is to perform Hajj, the going to Mecca
  • MECA
    The birthplace of Mohammed
    Struggle/Endeavour - is not part of the pillars of Islam but it is a duty Muslims must respond, this should NOT be interpreted as bloody war only, but any expression of preserving the Good and destroying the destroyer of Good (evil), it also means conversion by sword (HOLY WAR)
    A messenger of God and not God himself
    • Exemplary woman and wife
    • Blessed Virgin is a Muslim
  • Qur'an-3:42: - '"Behold! The angels said, 'O Mary! God has chosen you and purified you - Chosen you above the women of all nations.'"'
  • Hinduism
    A belief in a Supreme Being and adheres to ideas on truth, dharma and karma
  • Vedas
    Sacred scriptures, source of Truth
  • Truth
    Eternal, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the Truth is a virtue - the only Reality and the essence of the universe
  • Dharma
    The goal of every Hindu is to achieve Dharma, could be the right conduct, righteousness, morals, or duty
  • Hindu beliefs
    • Individual souls are immortal
    • The individual soul (Atman) is one with Brahman and is neither created nor could be destroyed
    • The process of moving the soul (Atman) from one body to another body is called "Transmigration"
    • The kind of body the soul takes in the next life depends on karma (actions accumulated in previous lives)
  • Moksha
    In English is liberation: the soul's release from the cycle of death and rebirth
  • Gautama Buddha or Siddhartha Gautama
    Founded Buddhism, achieving enlightenment
  • Buddhahood
    A state of bliss
  • Nirvana

    When this is achieved, the believer experiences
  • Four Noble Truths
    • Teachings of Buddhism
    • Suffering has causes
    • Suffering can end
  • Eight-Fold Path

    • Right view of the situation
    • Correct intention doing certain actions
    • The right speech
    • The right action
    • Understanding of the things surrounding him and of his own views about the things happening
    • Right intention to do away with wrong harmful plans unto others and wishes them harm like in hatred and animosity
    • Right speech to avoid lying - misleading statements or standing as a false witness against another
    • Right action and the right livelihood - Murder, stealing, scheming, double-crossing and improper sexual conduct etc. are not considered pleasant and correct
    • Correct effort to achieve the goals in life are attuned to what is right and truthful
  • Correct actions, correct speech, and correct livelihood are all categorized under ETHICS
  • Tao
    Means the origin of all things, the Universe
  • Yin and Yang

    Opposite forces all the time
  • Yin

    • Subtle energy, calm and soothing, Dark, feminine, north, water, earth, cold, old, even numbers, soft, poor, moon
  • Yang
    • Stronger energy, active and vibrant, masculine, white light, active, fire, south, young, odd numbers, mountains, rich, hard
  • Tao Te Ching
    Centres on living a life of integrity while maintaining goodness, Tao means the Way
  • Chapter 1: "Tao (The Way) that can be spoken of is not the Constant Tao": 'The Profound Mystery. As profound the mystery as It can be, It is the "Gate to the essence of all life'
  • Tao Te Ching teaches how to live life effortlessly in accordance to the law of nature or the Way