Unit 6 - Bio

Cards (20)

  • Meiosis: The form of cell division where the number of chromosomes in a cell is reduced by half
  • Haploid: one set of chromosomes (n)
  • Meiosis is sexual reproduction
  • Two divisions (meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2)
  • Diploid: two sets of chromosomes (2n)
  • Gametes are sex cells and aa form of Haploid
  • Sex cells divide to produce gametes (sperm or egg)
  • Male: Spermatogenesis - sperm
  • Female: Oogenesis - egg or ova
  • Homologous chromosomes line up in Metaphase I
  • Nondisjunction: When gametes are forming, some chromosomes might get left behind, resulting in a gamete with one too many or too few chromosomes
  • Nondisjunction in Anaphase I: Homologous chromosomes don't separate, resulting in all 4 daughter cells being affected
  • Nondisjunction in Anaphase II: Sister chromatids don't separate, resulting in only 2 daughter cells being affected
  • Trisomy-21 (Down Syndrome): nondisjunction when child gets an extra 21st chromosome
  • Monosomy (Turner's Syndrome): Child has an absence of one sex chromosome = XO (karyotype), resulting in abnormally short, sterile females
  • Trisomy (Klinefelter's Syndrome) - One extra sex chromosome = XXY (karyotype), resulting in sterile, mentally challenged males
  • Tetrad - Formed when homologous chromosomes come together (two chromosomes and four chromatids
  • Synapsis - pairing of homologous chromosomes forming a tetrad
  • Crossing over - Chromatids of tetrad exchange parts, only occurs in Prophase I
  • Independent assortment is when homologous pairs line up at the center randomly, and occurs during Metaphase I