Test Development

Cards (47)

  • Process of test development
  • This is use as a basis of testing derived from the norm
    Norm-referenced test
  • This test is derived from a certain criteria or variables
    Criterion-referenced testing
  • The developer will attempt to determine how to measure a targeted construct
    Pilot work
  • Process of setting rules for assigning numbers in measurement

  • Age is the basis of scale
    age-based scale
  • Scaling when the grade is of the critical interest

    Grade-based scale
  • Scaling where the grades will be scaled in 1 to 9
    Stanine scale
  • Final score is attained by summing the rating across all the items
    Summative scale
  • Test takers are presented with pairs of stimuli and they have to choose and compare it
    Method of paired comparisons
  • Scale that judgments of a stimulus in comparison to every other stimulus on the scale
    Comparative scaling
  • Stimuli are place in two or more categorical alternatives that differ quantitatively
    Categorical scaling
  • Items on range are ranked from weaker to stronger expressions of certain construct
    Guttman scale
  • Procedure that involves a graphic mapping of the testtakers response
    Scalogram analysis
  • Reserve items that will or not be drawn from the final version of the test
    Item pool
  • Format where participants have to select a response from a set of alternative responses
    Selected-response format
  • To supply or let the testtakers to create a correct answer
    Constructed-response format
  • It has three items: a stem, a correct option, and a distractors
    Multiple-choice format
  • Presented with a premises on the left and responses at the right
    Matching item
  • Most familiar type of this is the true or false test
    Binary-choice item
  • Requires the examinees to complete the sentence
    Completion item (short-answer item)
  • Writing a composition
    Essay item
  • Large and accessible collection of test questions
    Item bank
  • Computer administered testtaking process
    Computerized adaptive testing
  • Utility of the assessment tool for distinguishing testtakers at the low end of what is being measured
    Floor effect
  • Utility of the assessment tool for distinguishing testtakers at the high end of what is being measured

    Ceiling effect
  • Computer's ability to tailor the content and order of presentation of the test item on the basis of responses to previous items

    Item branching
  • Test scores will be sorted based on a particular class or category
    Class scoring
  • Comparing the score on one scale within a test to another scale within the same test
    Ipsative scoring
  • Types of statistical scrutiny a test can undergo
    Item analysis
  • For items with one correct alternative worth a single point, the item difficulty is simply the percentage of students who answer an item correctly

    Item-difficulty index
  • This index provides an indication of the internal consistency of a test

    Item-reliability index
  • Statistical tool that is use to measure if a test is valid

    Factor analysis
  • Statistic designed to provide an indication if the test is measuring what it purports to measure

    Item-validity index
  • It measures the difference between the high and low scorers on a test

    Item-discrimination index
  • Graphic representation of the item difficulty and discrimination. The steeper the slope, the greater the item discrimination. 

    Item-characteristic curve
  • An item that favors one group of examinees in relation in group ability controlled
    Biased test item
  • Nonstatistical procedures designed to explore how individual items work
    Qualitative item analysis
  • Research tool that is use to allow the testtakers to verbalize their thoughts

    Think aloud test administration
  • Items are examine for fairness to all prospective testtakers and for the presence of bad situations

    Sensitivity review