French method for fixed clubfoot
1. Incorporates stretching, mobilization, and taping
2. Directed by a physical therapist who has specialized training and experience
3. Daily, the foot must be stretched and manipulated, then taped to maintain the range of motion gained by the manipulation. After taping, a plastic splint is put over the tape to maintain the improved range of motion
4. Requires three visits to the physical therapist each week. The therapist teaches the parents how to correctly perform stretching and gentle mobilization at home
5. After 3 months, most babies have significant improvement in foot position, and visits to the physical therapist are required less often
6. Babies treated with the French method commonly require an Achilles tenotomy to improve dorsiflexion of the ankle (approximately 80%)
7. To prevent clubfoot recurrence, the daily regimen of stretching, taping, and splinting must be continued by the family until the child is 2 to 3 years old