Assess for desired therapeutic effects (e.g., temperature returns to normal range, pain is decreased or absent, signs and symptoms of inflammation such as redness or swelling are decreased).
Continue periodic monitoring of C B C, coagulation studies, bleeding time, electrolytes, glucose, lipids, and liver and kidney function studies.
Assess vital signs and weight periodically or if symptoms warrant. For patients on corticosteroids, obtain weight daily and report any weight gain over 1 k g (2 l b) in a 24-hour period or more than 2 k g (5 l b) in 1 week.
Assess for and promptly report adverse effects: symptoms of G I bleeding (dark or "tarry" stools, hematemesis or coffee-ground emesis, blood in the stool), abdominal pain, severe tinnitus, dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, agitation, euphoria or depression, palpitations, tachycardia, H T N, increased respiratory rate and depth, pulmonary congestion, or edema.