Using Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) which is a bacterium found in soils that naturally produces crystal-like proteins (Cry proteins) that selectively kill a few specific insect species
To express agriculturally desirable traits such as resistance to pests and to herbicides
A genetically engineered crop resistant to glyphosate, with the gene allowing resistance to glyphosate taken from a type of bacteria called Agrobacteria
A trademark for a group of patented apples that contain a non-browning trait, achieved through gene silencing that reduces the expression of polyphenol oxidase
The typical growth hormone regulating gene in the Atlantic salmon was replaced with the growth hormone regulating gene from Pacific Chinook salmon, enabling the GM salmon to grow year round instead of only during spring and summer
Codex Alimentarius Commission - responsible for the development of standards, codes of practices, guidelines, and recommendations on food safety
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety - international environmental treaty that regulates the transboundary movements of GMOs
International Trade Agreement on Labeling of GM food and food products - an agreement that requires exporters of GM food and food products to label their products and give rights to importing parties to reject or accept the GM products
The group of techniques used to cut up and join together genetic material, especially DNA from different biological species, and to introduce the resulting hybrid DNA into an organism in order to form new combinations of heritable genetic material