PR 1

Cards (91)

  • Definition Terms
    This section of the researcher lists the terms used in the research and explains their meaning
  • Definition of Terms
    • Terms should be listed in alphabetical order
    • Abbreviations used in the research should be spelled out
  • Literal Meaning

    Exact meaning of the word
  • Operational Meaning

    Usage of the term in the context of the research paper
  • Plagiarism
    Conscious use of another individual's work and claiming it to be one's own, either directly or indirectly
  • The Philippine Copyright Law & Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (Republic Act No. 8293) governs the protection and rights of an intellectual property's owner
  • Types of Plagiarism
    • Blatant Plagiarism
    • Technical Plagiarism
  • Blatant Plagiarism

    Individual tries to deceive readers about the ownership of the composition, claiming it as his own
  • Technical Plagiarism

    Writer did not comply with proper practices of citing sources of information
  • Language Use
    • Researcher should also consider the words used in the study
    • Offensive words should be avoided
    • Sensitivity should be exhibited
  • Fraud
    Effort to present false information for the purpose of finishing the study
  • To avoid fraud
    • Honesty - fabrication, falsification and misrepresentation of data must be avoided
    • Objectivity - avoid or minimize bias or self deception
    • Integrity - strive for consistency of thought and action by keeping your promises and agreements; sincerity
    • Carefulness - critically examine your own work and the work of your peers to avoid careless errors and negligence
  • Methodology
    Discusses relevant information regarding how the research will be conducted
  • Parts of Methodology
    • Research Design
    • Subjects/Sample of the Study
    • Research Locale
    • Instrumentation
    • Data Analysis or Statistical Treatment
  • Research Designs
    • Phenomenology
    • Ethnography
    • Grounded Theory
    • Case Study
    • Historical Design
  • Phenomenology
    Focuses on the lived experiences of the respondents and their interpretations for the said experiences, trying to understand the meaning of these experiences for the individual
  • Ethnography
    Deals with studying a specific topic within the context of a particular group of people
  • Grounded Theory
    Gathering and analyzing data for the sake of formulating a theory, thus the theory is "grounded" on the data
  • Case Study
    Comprehensive investigation and deeply understanding of a specific individual, group, or institution; very limited number of respondents
  • Historical Design
    Focuses on identifying, locating, evaluating, and synthesizing data from past events for the purpose of accepting or rejecting a hypothesis
  • Samples
    The chosen participants in the study
  • Sampling
    Process of choosing respondents
  • Sampling Techniques
    • Probability Sampling
    • Non-Probability Sampling
  • Probability Sampling

    • Simple Random Sampling
    • Systematic Random Sampling
    • Stratified Random Sampling
    • Cluster Sampling
  • Simple Random Sampling

    Samples are chosen randomly through chance, fishbowl or lottery method
  • Systematic Random Sampling

    Uses a specific system in facilitating the random selection of samples, every nth of population
  • Stratified Random Sampling

    Population is divided into groups based on their characteristics, then randomly selected
  • Cluster Sampling

    Each member of the population is assigned to groups called clusters, then choose a cluster to be sample
  • Non-Probability Sampling
    • Quota Sampling
    • Purposive Sampling
    • Volunteer Sampling
    • Convenience Sampling
    • Snowball Sampling
  • Quota Sampling
    Select or gather samples based on the number that needs to be met
  • Purposive Sampling

    Selects samples based on criteria that he or she set
  • Volunteer Sampling

    Samples who made the choice to be included in the research
  • Convenience Sampling

    Weakest sampling technique as the researcher is not required to consider any characteristics for the samples in the study aside from being easy to reach, thus being convenient
  • Snowball Sampling

    Does not have a definite list of samples but would rather rely on his current sample to recommend or refer to the next sample for the study
  • Common Data Collection Methods
    • Interview
    • Observation
    • Questionnaire
    • Document Collection
  • Interview
    Method where the researcher asks respondents about a specific topic, detailed information, exploring experiences, or feelings that need explanation; open-ended questions and used in phenomenology
  • Types of Interview
    • Individual Interview
    • Group Interview
  • Individual Interview

    Only one respondent at a time
  • Group Interview
    Done with groups; focus group and natural group
  • Focus Group
    Based on specific characteristics