
Cards (7)

  • Lorenz
    > aim - to investigate the effects of 'imprinting' on goslings
    > Method - field experiment
  • Lorenz
    > Lorenz randomly divided goose eggs
    > Half the eggs were hatched with the mother goose in their natural environment (control)
    > The other half were hatched in an incubator where the first moving object they saw was Lorenz (experimental group)
    > Lorenz recorded the behaviour of goslings
    > Once the eggs had hatched the two groups of goslings were mixed up and Lorenz observed who they followed
    > He varied the time between birth and seeing a moving object so he could measure the critical period of imprinting
  • Lorenz Findings
    > The incubator group that saw Lorenz first imprinted upon and followed Lorenz everywhere whereas the group who saw the mother goose first imprinted upon and followed her
    > Lorenz identified a critical period (12-17 hours) in which imprinting takes place. If imprinting does not occur within that time Lorenz suggests that chicks will not attach
    > Goslings who imprinted on to humans would, as adult birds, attempt to mate with humans (sexual imprinting)
  • Lorenz conclusions
    > Goslings imprint on the first moving object that they see, there is a specific time period in which this needs to take place, otherwise they may not attach/imprint
  • Lorenz AO3
    :) Practical applications
    > Principles of research, goslings must imprint within 12-17 hours otherwise they would not imprint at all
    > Promoting the importance of early interactions between parents and infants and reduce issues later in life
    > Therefore an important part of applied psychology
  • Lorenz AO3
    :( Criticised for animal bias
    > Human attachment may be more complex
    > Attachment in humans is a two way process so not just the young that become attached but the mothers as well
    > Limiting the extent to which Lorenz's research can be used to explain human attachments
  • Lorenz AO3
    :( Researcher bias
    > Lorenz recorded his own observations so may only include findings that support his theory of imprinting
    > Ignoring those that did not imprint on him
    > Lowering the internal validity as it may not be truly measuring the effects of imprinting on attachment