Cards (2)

  • One strength of DIMH as a definition of abnormality is that it covers a broad range of criteria for mental health. Some would argue the definition covers most of the reasons someone would seek help from mental health services or be referred for help. This contrasts other definitions such as DSN that only focus on one criteria. Therefore, the vast range of factors discussed in relation to ideal mental health make it an appropriate definition of abnormality.
  • Despite DIMH covering a wide range of criteria, it could be argued that the criteria is too strict. People may not be able to realistically meet all 6 criteria that define mental healthiness at one time. For example, someone who has lost their job may not be able to cope with the stressful situation and may develop negative self attitudes as a result, defining them as abnormal by this definition even thought this would be a rational response for many. Therefore limiting the use of DIMH as a definition for abnormality.