Lorenz - Geese

Cards (5)

  • Procedure
    • divide clutch of eggs in two, half raised by mother and other Half were in an incubator
    • the first thing the incubator group saw was Lorenz other group saw mother first
  • Findings
    • Incubator group followed Lorenz wherever he went , control group followed mother
    • when both groups were mixed went to primary caregiver so incubator went straight to Lorenz
  • Imprinting
    • Birds attach to and follow first moving object they see
  • Critical Period
    • the time imprinting must take place - as little as a few hours
  • Evaluation
    • strength - support of imprinting idea
    • support view - young animals are born with innate mechanism on moving image that it present in critical window
    • Limitation - only studied on non-human animals so can't say humans act the same way
    • limitation - only done research on birds so don't know if they will act the same way as mammals
    • Limitation - parent's show more emotional reaction and can form attachment after first few hours of birth
    • Limitation overview - research can't necessarily be extrapolated to human population