Low precipitation (less than 100 mm/yr) with most falling as snow
Low humidity and small atmospheric stores of moisture
Temperatures can reach -40°C
Limited transpiration because of the sparseness of the vegetation cover and the short growing season of only about three months
High albedo- lots of sunlight reflected
Low rates of evaporation. Much of the Sun's energy in summer is expended melting snow so that ground temperatures remain low and inhibit convection
Also,surface and soil water are frozen for most of the year
Sun can remain below the horizon for weeks during the winter, but there are long daylight hours in the summer
Very little seasonal variation in climate
Melting ice/snow in summer creates vast lakes and ponds
Permafrost creates a barrier to percolation-limited groundwater stores
Accumulation of snow and river/lake ice during the winter months. Then melting of snow, river and lake ice, and the uppermost active layer of the permafrost in spring and early summer, results in a sharp increase in river flow