lifestyle - is a way of life. It is your style of living that reflects your attitudes and values.
Recreation - the activities that you voluntarily participate in during your free time are called?
historyofsports - extends back to the Ancient world in 7000 BCE. The physical activity that developed into sports
essential movements of sports - squat,hinge,push,rotate,pull,locomotion
sports - A human activity involving physical exertion and skill as the primary focus of the activity.
Squat - is a strength exercise in which the trainee lowers their hips from a standing position and then stands back up.
Hinge - is a power movement which activates our “powerhouse” muscles – glutes & hamstrings.
Push - first movements that jump to mind are the bench press, up for this movement pattern.
Rotate - is an essential movement pattern used by athletes in many different sports such as golf or tennis.
Indooractivity - carried out inside a space.
outdooractivity - refers to recreation done outside, most commonly in natural settings.
indoor recreational activities are badminton,volleyball,dance.
Outdoor recreational activities are hiking,orienteering,fitnessexcercises.
Badminton is believed to have originated from the game "poona"
Poona - that was played by English Army officers stationed in India during the 17* century.
DukeofBeaufort who held a lawn party and later brought it to england
It was only in 1992BarcelonaOlympics when the game became an Olympic sport with singles and doubles events.
badminton players need a racket and a shuttlecock to enjoy the game in a court.
The game badminton requires the skills in service,strokes in hitting the shuttle such as smash, drop, lob or clear and net shorts, and power of the leg in footwork.
Volleyball - is a team sports with six players in each side of the court with a 9x18 meters dimension.
The beginning of volleyball can be traced from the ingenuity of William J. Morgan in 1895 at HolyokeMassachusetts.
Initially, the game volleyball was called "mintonette"
suggested the name "Volley Ball" due to the volleying characteristic of the game..
In 1910, the game was brought to the Philippines by Elwood S Brown.
volleyball players need skills like service,volleying,setting,spiking and blocking to enjoy much of the game and gain its fitness benefits.
Badminton and volleyball aregood recreation activities that involve the physicaldimension.
Benefits of sports are physicaldimension,socialdimension,intellectualdimension,emotionaldimension.
physicaldimension - enhances the metabolism of the body which in turn is a factor in losing weight.
emotionaldimension - players control their feelings during games.
intellectualdimension - Playing with strategies and tactics
socialdimension - seen when players build good relationships.
Dance - is another indoor alternative recreation for those who enjoy the beat of rhythm and movement.
Zumbafitnessdance - is an alternative indoor recreational activity with fitness benefit claims.
zumba fitness dance accidentally discovered by albertobetoperez.
The birth of zumba came about during one his aerobicsclass, when he realized that he had forgotten his aerobicsmusic.
It improves cardiovascularhealth -The combination of cardio intervals brought about by the fast and slow rhythms makes this dance a great cardio interval work-out
It helps in losingweight - cardio interval effect of zumba maximizes the burning of calories.
It relievesstress - It is believed that zumba dancing releases more altering endorphins that melts away worries away.
improvesmood - It releases feel good hormones called "endorphin" that improves self-esteem, self- confidence and self-imgae.
hiking : is going on an extended walk for the purpose of pleasure and exercise.