to determine what previous experiences might have caused the theivs to steal
He developed 6 personality traits, he stated that this was hard because children’s personalities aren’t fully developed
The six personality traits were
affection less
Normal - 2 children. described as reasonably normal, however did not lead normal lives at home
Depressed - 9 children. they were unstable and displayed a depressed state of mind
Circular - 2 children. they would alternate from being over active and depressed.
Hyperthymic - 13 children. Described as being constantly over active
Affectionless - 14 children. described as being void of emotion, guilt or shame
Schizoid- 4 children. perceived as having symptoms of this disorder.
Out of the 14 affection less children, 12 had experienced frequent separation from their mother - clear pattern emerged relating to delinquency
Example of separation and affection less character would be Derek B - at 18 months old he contracted diphtheria. stayed in the hospital for 9 months to which no one visited him
Such separations were uncommon among other types of thieves. 30 non affection less thieves only 3 of whom experienced separations, in control group only 2 experienced separation