biochemical tests

Cards (85)

  • purpose: tests the ability of an organism to produce the exoenzyme urease, that hydrolyzes urea
  • ammonium is alkaline byproduct of urea hydrolysis
  • indicatorurea hydrolysis

    phenol red
  • + result urea hydrolysis

    Fuschia pink indicates alkaline production
  • -result urea hydrolysis

    no color change, orange, or yellow
  • urea is a main component of mammalian urine (important urinary tract pathogens)
    can the bacteria metabolize the amino acid cysteine to produce hydrogen sulfide gas?
  • H2S will react with the iron sulfate in the media to produce a black precipitate
  • +resulth2s

    presence of black precipitate
  • -resulth2s
    no black precipitate present
  • Indole purpose
    can the bacteria metabolize the amino acid tryptophan using the enzyme tryptophanase producing indole?
  • +result indole
    red ring at top of media
  • -result indole
    absence of red ring at top
  • motility purpose
    is the bacteria motile?
  • +result motility
    turbidity in all directions
  • -result motility
    clear stab line
  • indole

    kovac's reagent layer becomes red if indole was produced

    each test species is inoculated into the broth containing glucose (fermentable sugar), peptone (protein source), and a buffer to prevent rapid pH changes
  • Methyl red purpose
    can the bacteria produce mixed acids as a result of fermentation, and substantially lower the pH of the medium?
  • methyl red pH indicator

    methyl red
  • +result methyl red
    pink-red media
  • -result methyl red
    yellow media
  • Voges-Proskauer purpose
    can the bacteria ferment carbohydrates to produce unusual alcohols, such as acetyl methyl carbinol?
  • +result VR
    red ring at suface
  • -result VR
    lack of red ring or copper ring
  • Ammonium phosphate purpose

    can the bacteria metabolize ammonium as a nitrogen source?
  • media in ammonium phosphate test contains ammonium phosphate as a sole nitrogen source
  • metabolism of ammonium phosphate produces phosphoric acid
  • pH indicator Ammonium phosphate test
    brom cresol purple
  • +result ammonium phos. test

    yellow media
  • -result ammonium phos. test
    purple media
  • Sodium Citrate test purpose
    can the bacteria use citrate using citratase as a carbon source?
  • Media in Sodium Citrate test contains citrate as sole carbon source, and an ammonium compound as a nitrogen source
  • (sodium citrate) microbes that use citrate will convert the ammonium compound into ammonium hydroxide (alkaline product)
  • pH indicator (sodium citrate)

    bromothymol blue
  • +result sodium citrate

    royal blue media
  • -result sodium citrate
    green media
  • litmus milk purpose
    determine if bacteria produce the exoenzyme caseinase, which hydrolyzes the milk protein casein
  • what is also considered in the litmus milk test

    reduction of litmus and lactose fermentation is also considered