Now English 24 - 10

Cards (50)

  • Reminiscent

    Awakening memories of something similar
  • Timely

    Happening at the best possible moment, appropriate, seasonable, auspicious
  • Far-fetched

    Difficult to believe and unlikely to be true, unrealistic, unlikely, questionable
  • Witty

    Using words in a clever and funny way, humorous, fanciful, sharp-witted
  • Sanguine

    Positive and hoping for good things, optimistic, upbeat, promising
  • Intrigued

    Arouse the curiosity or interest in something, captivated, absorbed, inquisitive
  • Somber

    A feeling of great sadness, bleak, depressing, miserable
  • Whimsical

    Spontaneously fanciful or playful, outlandish, eccentric, capricious
  • Dogmatic

    Asserting opinions in an arrogant manner, adamant, prejudiced, one-sided
  • Bewildered

    Completely puzzled or confused, baffled, speechless or struck
  • Solemn

    Very serious or formal in manner, serious, profound
  • Laudatory

    Expressing praise or admiration, admiring, complementary, extolling
  • Wrathful

    Of or marked by extreme anger, furious
  • Reticent

    Unwilling to speak about thoughts or feelings, reserved, taciturn, introverted
  • Euphoric

    Feelings of generating intense happiness, overjoyed, exhilarated, elated
  • Poignant

    Having a very sharp feeling of sadness, moving, heartbreaking, touching
  • Ambiguous

    Having more than one possible meaning, confusing, uncertain, double-edged
  • Derogatory

    Showing a critical or disrespectful attitude, contemptuous, abusive, insulting
  • Fervent

    Having or displaying a passionate intensity, passionate, vehement, intense
  • Esoteric

    Having an inner or secret meaning, enigmatic, cryptic, obscure
  • Sardonic

    Being scornful and mocking in a humorous way, sarcastic, ironical
  • Insipid

    Not having a strong taste or character, boring, characterless, monotonous
  • Miraculous

    Very wonderful or amazing, like a miracle, magical, astounding, phenomenal
  • Colloquial

    Associated with familiar and informal conversation, unofficial, conversational
  • Abnormal

    Deviating from the normal or average, exceptional, unusual, extraordinary
  • Excruciating

    Causing great pain or anguish, agonizing, tormenting, dreadful
  • Dexterous

    Any skillful or clever physical movement, proficient, skillful, professional
  • Petrified

    So frightened that one is unable to move, terrified, frightened, horror stricken
  • Coherent

    Logical and well-organized, easy to understand, able, logical, reasonable
  • Heartfelt

    Very strongly felt or extremely sincere, earnest, wholehearted, deepest
  • Outstanding

    Much better than usual, excellent, distinguished, superb, brilliant
  • Luxurious

    Extremely comfortable or elegant in manner, sumptuous, grandiose, opulent
  • Destitute

    Essentially means not having something, deprived, impoverished, insolvent
  • Mind-blowing

    Extremely impressive or surprising, breathtaking, fabulous, sublime
  • Frivolous

    Not having any serious purpose or value, insignificant, trivial, inconsiderable
  • Appalling

    Very unpleasant and shocking, shocking, horrendous, offensive
  • Enchanting

    To attract and hold the attention of something, alluring, bewitching, mesmerizing
  • Grotesque

    Odd or unnatural in shape and appearance, distorted, ill-shaped, malformed
  • Insatiable

    Incapable of being satisfied or appeased, unquenchable, desiring, pressing
  • Pungent

    Having a sharply strong taste or smell, pervasive, acerbic