
Cards (8)

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    dream analysis has found to be effective in treating mental disorders such as depression or anxiety
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    • Matt and Navarro (1997) in a review of 63 meta-analyses on the effect of psychotherapy found on average, 75% of clients receiving dream analysis showed improvements.
    • Schredl et al. (2000) found in a survey of psychotherapists in private practice that approximately 70% of patients reported benefits of working through dreams.
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    these studies illustrate the benefits of dream analysis on uncovering the root cause of these disorders.
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    however, psychotherapy using dream analysis is less common than other forms of psychotherapy such as talking therapy or hypnosis
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    there is limited scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of dream analysis
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    Hobson and McCarthy (1997) argue that dreams are nothing but commands sent from the brain and are simply a form of "thinking that happens while we sleep"
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    this questions Freud's theories such as psychosexual development, the Oedipus and Electra complex and the role of the unconscious mind as they don't have a lot of evidence supporting them, and so are very subjective and open to interpretation
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    as dream analysis cannot be scientifically validated, it is difficult to support Freud's idea of wish fulfillment in dream with any other research.