For children and adolescents: BMI-for age and gender, Weight – height, weight-for-age and height-for-age measurements
Waist circumference and Waist/hip ratio: Waist/Hip ratio is calculated to measure the degree of visceral adiposity, Good marker for increased risk of chronic diseases
Used to evaluate health risks of obesity: Body mass index (BMI), Waist circumference, Disease risk profile
Closed container surrounded by a known volume of water, Explode food pieces in a special water lined chamber and measure the heat given off from the explosion
Measuring heat production by the body, Individual inside an insulated chamber with water pipes measuring the rise of water temperature in degrees Celsius
Basal metabolism (BMR): Involuntary activities that are necessary to sustain life, Voluntary activities: Intentional activities done by voluntary muscles (sports/ physical activity), Thermic effect of food: About 10% of a meal's energy value
Energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating or sports-like exercise, Small contribution but accumulates over time, Important for individuals with a sedentary lifestyle, NEAT increases with overfeeding and decreases with underfeeding
Based on sex, height, weight, and age, For males: =66.5 + 13.8 x weight (kg) + 5.0 x height (cm) - 6.8 x age (years), For females: =655 + 9.6 x weight (kg) + 1.8 x height (cm) - 4.8 x age (years)
Increased cardiovascular, hypertension, diabetes risk, More common in men (encouraged by testosterone), Assessed by measuring Waist Circumference: >94 cm in men, >80 cm in women → Upper body obesity
Skinfold measures: use of caliper to gauge thickness of a fold of skin
Bioelectrical impedance: method determines body fatness by measuring conductivity. Lean tissue conducts painless electric current, fat tissue does not.
DEXA: two low-dose x-rays that differentiate among fat-free soft tissue, fat tissue, and bone tissue with accurate measurement of total fat and distribution of fat in all but extremely obese subjects