DNA Presumptive Testing

Cards (11)

  • DNA Presumptive Testing

    Gives indication
  • Substances tested
    • Blood
    • Saliva
    • Semen
    • Clothing
  • Kastle Mayer Test
    1. Phenolphthalein added
    2. Catalyses reaction
    3. Produces pink colour
  • Leomalachite Green/Luminol Reagent

    • Catalyses reaction with hydrogen peroxide
    • Produces green/blue result
  • OBT (Ortho-tolidine) Test

    1. Sample added to transport medium
    2. Solution added to test strip
    3. Produces green result in 2-3 mins
  • Luminol Test

    1. Spray reacts with hematin in blood stains
    2. Produces blue fluorescence under UV light
    3. Lasts for a few minutes
  • Luminol test dilutes DNA
  • Luminol test can give false positives for cleaning products
  • Hemastix

    • Blood reagent on test strip
    • Detects peroxidase activity and haemoglobin
  • Phadebas Test

    1. Paper and solution reacts with amylase
    2. Produces blue result
  • Phosphatase Test

    • Tests for enzyme found in semen and prostate gland
    • Enzymatic breakdown of sodium a-napthyl phosphate/Brentamine
    • Produces dark purple result