genital ridgedevelops _________ to thenephrogenic cordMedial
--near the midline
Development of the
gonadsbegins in the _________5th week
Indifferent stage
the first stage of gonadal development(4th-7th weeks),when it is impossible to distinguish b/w male & female gonads"indifferent gonads"
gonadsbegin as ______________ derived from _______________~ genital ridges~intermediate mesoderm+pt of the adjacentlateral somatic mesoderm(=overlying coelomic epithelium)
*initially do not contain germ cells
intermediate mesodermmakes up the ____________ ofindifferent gonad, while thelateral somatic mesodermmakes up the ________________medulla; cortex
Formation of the gonadal ridge is followed by
migrationofprimordial germ cellsfrom _________ to form ______~Yolk sac @ midline
~ Oogonia & spermatogonia
primordial germ cellsreachthe genital ridges in the ___________6th week
epithelium of the
genital ridgesproliferates,thickens, &penetratestheintermediate mesodermto form structures termed the ______________primitive sex cords
indifferent gonad
=primitive sex cord+primordial germ cells
primitive sex cords
give rise to _______ in males & ____________ in femalestestis cords (medullary cord)
2ry cords (cortical cords)
testesdevelop from ___________medullary (seminiferous) sex cords
ovariesdevelop from ___________cortical sex cords
&oogonia,formed from the the primordial germ cells, eventually become incorporated in ______________testis cords & cortical cords, respectively
for sex determinationSRY Genein theY chromosome, in thesex determining region, codes forTestis Determining Factor (TDF)
Presence vs absence of
TDF~Presence->dev. ofseminiferous tubules(spermatogonia separate away from periph. & enter medulla-of testis-)~absence->dev. ofovaries
male vs female
characteristicsare determined in the foetus by?presencevsabsenceoftestosterone, respec.
seminiferous cords
remainobliterateduntil _______________ where they _______________puberty;they canalise & acquire a lumen, becomingseminiferous tubules
A portion of the
testis cordsbranches, connects & breaks offto form the ______rete testis & straight ducts
Efferent ductules
originate frommesonephrictubules
Ductus epididymis
originates fromprox. pt ofmesonephricducts
rete testis
connects w/ ___________eff. ducts15-20
how does the
tunica albugineaform?seminiferous cordslose connection w/surface (coelomic) epithelium,the mesenchyme in that separation area hardens & forms CT
enlarge & separate from thedorsal abdominal wall, but remain attached via the ________________ from the ______________mesorchium(mesentery-like structure)coelomic epithelium
mesentery/peritoneal fold that attaches the testes to the body wall
begin secretingtestosteroneby the ______________ under the influence of ___________ which induces diff of _____________8th week;hCG-mesonephric ducts (int genitalia) & ext genitalia
sertoli cells
develop from _______________surface epitheliumof thetestis cords
(the remaining that didn't break off to form the rete testis)
sertoli cells
secrete ____________ at the ___________, which functions to ________________-antimullerian hormone (AMH)- 6-7 week- Suppresses development ofparamesonephric (mullerian) duct
paramesonephric (mullerian) duct~ longitudinal invagination of mesothelium~ lat to mesonephric duct -hence the name~ Develops into part of thefemale repro. tractbut degenerates in males due to axns of AMH
female reproductive tract
: overview of origin--ovaries->cortical sex cordsof genital ridge (intermediate + lateral somatic mesoderm)--fallopian tubes, uterus, upper 1/3 of vagina->paramesonephric (mullerian) duct--lower 2/3rds of the vagina->urogenital sinus
Primary sex cords
infemalesgive rise to ______________rete ovarii;which degenerate
2ry (cortical) sex cords
formationabsence of SRY gene->primitive sex cords degenerate & do not form testis cords-> ep of gonads continue to prolif. producing thecortical cords-> germ cells become incorporated in them
2ry sex cords
disconnect & break up into clusters & form ____________ surrounding each _________________primordial follicles- one layer of follicular cells surrounding eachoogonium
surface (coelomic) epitheliumsurrounding thefolliclesform ________________; which then are separated & ____________ forms in the spacegerminal epithelium(one layer)tunica albuginea
ovariesseparate from the dorsal abd. wall but remain connected thru ____________mesovarium
in the
indifferent stage, two ducts develop in the ______________, these are?5th-6th week