Main organs in the respiratorysystem, containing the surfaces where gasexchange takes place
Ribs and intercostal muscles
Intercostal muscles found betweentheribs, work antagonistically inpairs to expand and contract the rib cage duringbreathing
Ribs protect the lungs and heart from physicaldamage
Contains the vocalcords
Connects the throat to the bronchi, C-shapedcartilage rings provide structural strength to keep it open
Hollowtubes composed of cartilage rings that carry air from the trachea to the lungs, split into two tubes to enter the left and right lung

Smaller tubes which branch off from the bronchi in the lungs, leading to the alveoli
Where gas exchange occurs, comprised of tinyairsacs with a capillarynetwork
Moving air into and out of the lungs to allow gasexchange to occur
Breathing in
Internalintercostalmuscles relax, externalintercostalmuscles contract, pullingtheribs up and out while the diaphragmflattens, pushing the abdominalmusclesdownwards, increasingthevolume in the thorax so air enters the lungs
Breathing out
Volume of thorax decreases, increasingpressure so air is forced out, passive except when forciblybreathing out where internalintercostalmusclescontract
Inhaled air is made up of more oxygen than exhaled air, as oxygen is absorbed into the blood in the alveoli instead of being exhaled
Oxygen is used in cells for respiration, and carbondioxide is produced as a wasteproduct
Carbon dioxide is released from the blood at the alveoli and diffuses out into the lungs, before being exhaled, thus there is more carbon dioxide in exhaled air
Exhaled air also contains more watervapour than inhaled air
During physical activity
The rate and depth of breathingincreases
When exercise is carried out
Muscles increase the rateofrespiration to produce energy for muscle contraction, requiring more oxygen and producing more carbon dioxide
Increase in carbon dioxide in the blood
Detected by the brain, causing the rate of breathing to speedup
Increase in oxygen demand and carbon dioxide production during exercise

Heartrate is also increased to pumpsubstances around the body morequickly in the blood
Adaptations of exchange surfaces
Goblet cells
Found in the trachea and bronchi, adapted to secretemucus into the respiratorytract
Mucus movement
Foreign pathogens and particles stick to the mucus, which is then movedupwards towards the throat by cilia, then swallowed and pathogensdestroyed in the acidicconditions in the stomach