Edward was 9 years old and his reign was a regency under somerset . He had smallpox in 1552 and died in 1553 of tuberculosis.
Somerset was arrogant and had a dictatorial style of leadership as kept the sole use of the dry stamp and used 77 proclamations in 3 years.
Lack of authority in society as the western and kett's rebllion broke out due to:
sheep tax 1549 that deterred the conversion of arable into pastoral farming
Hated of local government officials
demanded return of traditional catholic practices.
Instablity of authority in Governenemnt due to faction:
Instability of authority in Government due to faction:
Brother Thomas Seymour conspired with Southampton to turn Edward against Somerset.
Southampton denounced Seymour and reinstated into council
Authority shown with Seymour's execution.
Lack of authority in 1549- Somerset fled to Hampton court palace with Edward, he surrendered when promised no treason charges would be put against him.
Edward was vital to governance, showing the kings authority was still in tact.