Rutter - Romanian Orphan Study

Cards (4)

  • what is institutionalisation?

    • A term for the effects of living in an institutional setting. The term 'institution' refers to a place like a hospital or an orphanage where children live for long, continuous periods of time. In such places there is often very little emotional care provided.
  • Rutter's aim?

    he had studies Romanian orphans for many years, and his aim was to discover to what extent early lack of care could be made up for by later good quality care.
    • Who were the participants in Rutter's study?
    A random sample of 165 Romanian children from institutions who has all been adopted in the UK before 3 1/2 yrs.
    A control group of 52 British children who had not lived in institutions, but were re adopted in the UK before 6 months.
  • What were the children in the study tested for?
    physical development (size, size of head, brain structure.)
    cognitive development (attention, language, IQ.)
    Attachment type and social behaviour
    comparisons were made between the Romanian orphans adoptees and the UK adoptees.