behavioural phobia treatments

Cards (14)

  • background
    phobias may persist because people avoid their phobia, they never get a chance to learn that their feared stimuli is not scary after all
    treatments therefore allow patients to unlearn negative associations and relace them with a positive response through process of relaxation , counter conditioning
  • Systematic desensitisation
    -individual constructs an anxiety hierarchy
    -relaxation training is given (breathing exercises)
    -patient asked to imagine as vividly as possible the scene at the bottom of the list and told to relax at the same time
    -once complete relaxation has been achieved they move up the hierarchy while paring each step with relaxation = graded pairing
  • SD stimulus 

    Can use real stimulus or imagined stimulus
    real stimulus is always more effective and longer lasting
  • SD strength
    Effective , high success rate
    75% with simple phobias
    90% for blood-injection phobias
  • SD strength
    Appropriateness , patient is in control and only moves up when they feel relaxed - shouldn’t be any ethical issues
  • SD strength
    Relatively fast and require less effort compared to other therapies
    lack of thinking means it can be successful with children and adults with learning difficulties
  • SD weakness 

    Behaviour learnt under one set of conditions (therapy) doesn’t always generalise to real life
    different facing your fear alone compared to having the safety of the therapist
  • Flooding
    Consist of one long session where the patient experiences their phobia at it’s worse
    at the same time they practice relaxation until their anxiety disappears
  • Flooding
    May last about 2-3 hours
    idea behind it = fear response has a time limit
  • Flooding evaluation - effectiveness 

    Shown to be more effective than SD
    however, it’s highly effective for simple phobias and less effective for other types of phobias (social phobias)
    could be because they are more likely caused by irrational thinking rather than unpleasant experiences- more complex phobias cant be treated by behaviourist treatments
  • Flooding strength
    Relatively quick compared to SD, only involved 1 single treatment session
  • Flooding weakness

    Can be highly traumatic and patient experiences intense anxiety
    patient has no control = ethical issues
  • Flooding weakness

    If patients quit during treatment due to extreme fear response it’s effectiveness will reduce and could make the phobia worse
  • General evaluation points for both 

    Some argue the techniques aren’t dealing with the cause of phobia but only the symptoms, if symptoms are removed the cause still remains the same so symptoms could resurface