Crash Course CNS

Cards (22)

  • Broca's area
    A specific area in the left hemisphere of the brain that is partly responsible for the ability to produce and process language
  • Broca's aphasia

    A condition where a person can understand speech but is unable to produce intelligible words
  • Broca's aphasia

    Can sometimes be treated by teaching patients to sing, because singing uses a different region of the brain
  • A lot of what we know about how the brain works has come through studying injuries to it
  • The brain is made up of super-specific areas that have super-specific functions
  • Central nervous system
    Consisting of the brain and spinal cord
  • Peripheral nervous system

    Made up of the nerves coming out of the central nervous system
  • Spinal cord

    Conducts two-way signals between the brain and the rest of the body, while also governing basic muscle reflexes and patterns
  • Cerebrospinal fluid
    Allows the brain to float somewhat in the skull, reducing its weight and letting it slosh around while the head moves
  • Development of the central nervous system

    1. Neural tube
    2. Prosencephalon, mesencephalon, rhombencephalon
    3. Telencephalon, diencephalon, metencephalon, myelencephalon
    4. Brainstem, cerebellum, diencephalon, cerebral hemispheres
  • Brainstem
    Regulates many basic, vital involuntary functions like heart rate, breathing, sleep, appetite, and pain sensitivity
  • Midbrain

    Carries out higher-level functions like processing sensory information and sending out reflexive motor signals
  • Diencephalon
    Regulates homeostasis, alertness, and reproductive activity, and is part of the limbic system which is a center for strong emotions
  • Telencephalon

    Develops into the cerebrum, the largest and most complex region of the brain that performs the highest functions
  • Cerebral cortex

    The wrinkled, outer layer of "gray matter" in the cerebrum
  • White matter

    The inner squishy layer beneath the cerebral cortex
  • Lobes of the cerebrum
    • Frontal lobe
    • Occipital lobe
    • Parietal lobe
    • Temporal lobe
  • Frontal lobe
    Governs muscle control and cognitive functions like planning, concentration, and preventing socially unacceptable behaviors
  • Occipital lobe
    Processes visual information
  • Parietal lobe

    Processes sensations of touch, pain, and pressure
  • Temporal lobe

    Helps sort out auditory information, including language, and contains the hippocampus and amygdala
  • The brain would be pretty useless if it weren't hooked up to the outside world through the peripheral nervous system